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What kind of land do you hunt?

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Malt - That made me chuckle mate, the thing is, the bunnys are always in the thick stuff. I look like a selfharmer, my arms are cut to bits :laugh: Looks like nice land do mooch with a determined terrier, and yours looks like she get in some places :laugh:


The coneys certainly ain't dull pal! :laugh: I almost cry reading some reports on here with pictures of nice clean buries in the middle of short grass fields. :(:laugh:


Terrier gets pretty much wherever a rabbit can get. :yes: She looks a hell of a state after a good mooch in the brambles though, covered in blood from where her ears get nicked. :yes: She's pushed countless rabbits out when we're mooching but my lurcher's too thick to learn to work with her effectively. The 50% terrier in him gets too much and he's always trying to get in after her. :( Even if I hold him on a slip away from the hedge he's that wound up and determined that he wants to get to where the terrier is working he always misses anything that pops out the hedge anywhere else! :doh:


:laugh: Such is life mate. How is his nose? Get another runner and use him as a lanky terrier :laugh:


I know what you mean about the open sets, the chance would be a fine thing :cray:


His nose isn't bad, not as good as the terrier though.. :no: I'd get myself something predominantly collie & greyhound based to work alongside them if I was in the position to house and feed it. :yes::thumbs:

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Malt - treat yourself mate, put the kids on half rations   Newkid - Aye, if had similar, and the best is being out and someone going 'come here a sec' and then pulling a large chunk of bramble / th

Totally alien to us, that. The dogs would think all of their christmasses had come at once there! Would love a day out mooching about it.

Yer i have a 'team meeting' every tuesday morning where my boss looks at me like i am fecking nuts. Even my face has cuts

Malt - That made me chuckle mate, the thing is, the bunnys are always in the thick stuff. I look like a selfharmer, my arms are cut to bits :laugh: Looks like nice land do mooch with a determined terrier, and yours looks like she get in some places :laugh:


The coneys certainly ain't dull pal! :laugh: I almost cry reading some reports on here with pictures of nice clean buries in the middle of short grass fields. :(:laugh:


Terrier gets pretty much wherever a rabbit can get. :yes: She looks a hell of a state after a good mooch in the brambles though, covered in blood from where her ears get nicked. :yes: She's pushed countless rabbits out when we're mooching but my lurcher's too thick to learn to work with her effectively. The 50% terrier in him gets too much and he's always trying to get in after her. :( Even if I hold him on a slip away from the hedge he's that wound up and determined that he wants to get to where the terrier is working he always misses anything that pops out the hedge anywhere else! :doh:


My arms are the same mate, we've been smashed up by the brambles recently, I had a meeting aout a job last week and the whole time I was paranoid because everyone was just looking at the state of my hands.


Yer i have a 'team meeting' every tuesday morning where my boss looks at me like i am fecking nuts. Even my face has cuts :laugh:


I think most people think we're nuts mate, went to a party last night after a day of ferreting another prickly hedge, nice scratch accross the chin and another down my neck and my hands are just 1 big scatch now. people ask what you've done " days ferreting mate" the normal reply is " is that supposed to be fun?"

It is but I'm not sure why :laugh:

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Malt - treat yourself mate, put the kids on half rations :laugh:


Newkid - Aye, if had similar, and the best is being out and someone going 'come here a sec' and then pulling a large chunk of bramble / thorn bush out of your hair :icon_redface:

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The brambles are bad lads, but would you agree that the worst for getting shredded with is blackthorn? I fecking hate the stuff.. You get a thorn stuck in you and forget about it and it's murder when it starts stinging. :( I had pins and needles in my hand for days when I got one stuck a few years back.

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Yes, black thorn sucks mate. I also hate that kind of rose style thorn stuff, the wild rose kind, it seems to have hooks, and be smaller and sharper than normal brambles, and the hooks dont break off they dig in like fish hooks.


I had a bad dig under some today, a couple of feet int a verticle bank, then 6 foot down, i had to hammer in foot pegs to stand on, and it was above a road, about 12 foot up.

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'Malt' timestamp='1326668785' post='2440234']

The brambles are bad lads, but would you agree that the worst for getting shredded with is blackthorn? I fecking hate the stuff.. You get a thorn stuck in you and forget about it and it's murder when it starts stinging. :( I had pins and needles in my hand for days when I got one stuck a few years back.


After you have finished ferreting there's nothing like laying in a bath squeezing the thorns out , If you miss any i found the next day they come up like a wee spot squeeze that and the thorn floats out in the puss :laugh: :laugh:

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After you have finished ferreting there's nothing like laying in a bath squeezing the thorns out , If you miss any i found the next day they come up like a wee spot squeeze that and the thorn floats out in the puss :laugh: :laugh:



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Mostly hedges and shoot spinneys with fecking massive flat fields inbetween. Loads'a Bramble, Blackthorn and Hawthorn! Some places are just too much for me to do on my own and I just have to tell the keeper/landowner that unfortunately. I used to have a couple of mates that came with me and we had some decent days together but their commitment and passion was found lacking...


It's tough land but I would rather have a decent ferreting partner than easy land. And keepers wanting you to do everything but forever laying down 'rules' to protect their birds does'nt make things any easier. Give me permission on a farm over a shoot any day of the week!

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Malt - That made me chuckle mate, the thing is, the bunnys are always in the thick stuff. I look like a selfharmer, my arms are cut to bits :laugh: Looks like nice land do mooch with a determined terrier, and yours looks like she get in some places :laugh:


The coneys certainly ain't dull pal! :laugh: I almost cry reading some reports on here with pictures of nice clean buries in the middle of short grass fields. :(:laugh:


Terrier gets pretty much wherever a rabbit can get. :yes: She looks a hell of a state after a good mooch in the brambles though, covered in blood from where her ears get nicked. :yes: She's pushed countless rabbits out when we're mooching but my lurcher's too thick to learn to work with her effectively. The 50% terrier in him gets too much and he's always trying to get in after her. :( Even if I hold him on a slip away from the hedge he's that wound up and determined that he wants to get to where the terrier is working he always misses anything that pops out the hedge anywhere else! :doh:


My arms are the same mate, we've been smashed up by the brambles recently, I had a meeting aout a job last week and the whole time I was paranoid because everyone was just looking at the state of my hands.


Yer i have a 'team meeting' every tuesday morning where my boss looks at me like i am fecking nuts. Even my face has cuts :laugh:


I think most people think we're nuts mate, went to a party last night after a day of ferreting another prickly hedge, nice scratch accross the chin and another down my neck and my hands are just 1 big scatch now. people ask what you've done " days ferreting mate" the normal reply is " is that supposed to be fun?"

It is but I'm not sure why :laugh:


I was out last week ferreting a thorn hedge that hadnt been cut, i knew i had scratched my face, but when i got home my partner said, go and look in the mirror, i had two long scratches each side of my face, and one along my brow, she said i looked like something from Silence of the lambs.was getting funny looks in the supermarket. :D

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I knew a customer who died from having a blackthorn go septic he passed away within a day so be careful boys


ATB Cookie


I could quite believe that Cookie, it's nasty fecking stuff. :yes:

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