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rabbit hunting how to ..


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hey all,


me and a mate just got ourselves a couple air guns, and have been practising in the garden. we can both hit a bottle top at 20yards with first shot, is that good enough to go out hunting rabbits?


we are consistent at 20yds, and as the shooting club here only has 20yd ranges we are better off in the garden where we have to factor the wind etc. thing is, we might not be able to stretch our homemade range to 30yds, so my question is this: after only practising at 20yards are we ready for rabbiting?


ive been reading up on rabbiting, but still not entirely sure id know where to start looking for them.. could you give me an idea? i know cover and food are essentials, but what about water? should i be looking near the streams?


cheers in advance for your advice,


atb claire n charlie

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Have you considered practising at the land where you have permission to hunt?

My own home grown test for hunting accuracy is hitting a pound coin sized target 5 times out of 5 at the ranges you wish to hunt at.

Why a pound coin size target? The bunnies brain is what you want to hit to ensure a clean, humane kill. Hit the rabbits skull between the eye and ear and you'll get a good switch off.


Sounds like you should be ok at 20 yards, see if you can push it to 30 yards in your practise sessions.

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