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plastic owl decoy


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Best to use around nesting time pal, you may not have much luck at this time of the year. I use a little owl Decoy and its awesome, especially on permissions where there aren't many avian preditors :thumbup:



Here's a post I put on the HW owners forum after a successful session: http://weihrauchowne...php?f=16&t=8202

Edited by Elliott
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cheers palwill have a look at the link now. ive also called up another permission owner, that is only a couple of hundred yrds down the road, so im also gonna try and get myself a rabbit, and open it up and see if that helps

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if you can put a dead crow or maggie under the owl it works better. plastic owl's are ok. but a real stuffed bird of prey is better. i'v got a manky old stuffed buzzard donkeys years old''not worth a shit. but it is a superb corvid attractor with a dead crow placed under it..


That's spot on advice and exactly what I do - it works a treat and makes the set up for more effective :thumbs:

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