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finally got my day in court coming up

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thanks lads their sum right c..nts out their nowt better to do but butt slurp the law this guy going to go to court and say in all is years as been a hunter and pest controller on the night in question its is view that lampers were on the land in question with dogs and wellington boots and that the action of the lamp was that it was being used to catch rabbits what a load of bull by the way lads all this coimg from his view which must have been over half a mile away

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Been to court once in my life for poaching, at Haddington Sheriffs court..We went up on the Lammamuirsthe night before lamping, got 93 rabbits with three dogs, went to the court the next morning, got

I wish you all the luck in the world.I have been in a few similar situations one that ended up at crown and if i was found guilty could have seen me loose my liberty the 3 keepers and two coppers were

I dare you when he stands up in court and says this you jump up and say "You lying c**t.....it was deer we were after!!!!".............

the best laugh is i was the only one not lamping the car fcked up and iwas fixing it and as far as wearing wellies icant my leg was fcked two year back and its imposible for me to get them on if i owned a pair yes the dogs mine and yes they got bunnies but not wi me cant be in two places at same time 3 of us went out but im the daft twat facing court next month

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There a copper down my way see pictures of my brother dog and quarry

On face book don't ask me how he started on to my brother about it my

Brother said the day you physically see me you might be able to

Arrest for it the copper said sound but I could always send the RSPCA

Round to have a look at your dog what a c**t I wish you the best of luck

Hope you get of and tell that copper he's a turd all the best mate

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  On 12/01/2012 at 22:03, Romany said:

Been to court once in my life for poaching, at Haddington Sheriffs court..We went up on the Lammamuirsthe night before lamping, got 93 rabbits with three dogs, went to the court the next morning, got there early, dogs in the car and we both fell asleep, a guy with a black robe woke us up, banging on the window, "are you Mr Doherty" (what Scottish service ehh) ..We had to be in the court in 5 mins. Now if anyone has been to a Sheriffs court, everyone up on the day goes into together, what an experience..We got fined £150 each, my mate had to pay his off at £2 a week as he was unemployed, I had 4 weeks to pay all of mine off. We picked the rabbits up on the way back so had something to show for our court appearance, wasnt going to go all the way up there for nowt..h


Hope it all goes well for you..


Haddington Sherrifs court,, ahhh sweet memories,, of a 250 quid fine !!!! b*****ds!!! hahahahahaha

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that should get threw out of court that mate .and if anythink the judge should grill that copper for wasting the courts time you time tax payers money :victory: ha and dont forget to tell the judge since the false alegations youre shit scared to go out the house ,youre doctor has put you on valiume you have developed a drink problem haha only messing mate ,And good luck :thumbs:

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had the pleasure of haddinton court always got a result there ,but some laughs worse time ws miners strike 85 if it moved eat it if it looked like coal wood burn it etc, its afunny old courst shows thwe police for what they are ,att times lammermuirs i think i no were that is lol , used to be ahaven for rabbs biggets day ever with pair of dogs seven ferrt ws 68 great days up there camping fishing etc , romany you could make afilm for poacher sover the years there had some [bANNED TEXT] laugh and some got lie downs , duns was worse and berwick not much better , halycon days

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I wish you all the luck in the world.I have been in a few similar situations one that ended up at crown and if i was found guilty could have seen me loose my liberty the 3 keepers and two coppers were even prepaired to lie on oath to convict me even though the evidence was in my favour and they shit themselves [bANNED TEXT] i went not guilty and had my chance to say not guilty in crown court and all charges were dropped the look on the keepers and coppers faces who wouldent look me in the eye [bANNED TEXT] i was stood in the dock was fekin priceless.

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  On 12/01/2012 at 22:39, coney clucky said:

thanks lads their sum right c..nts out their nowt better to do but butt slurp the law this guy going to go to court and say in all is years as been a hunter and pest controller on the night in question its is view that lampers were on the land in question with dogs and wellington boots and that the action of the lamp was that it was being used to catch rabbits what a load of bull by the way lads all this coimg from his view which must have been over half a mile away


I dare you when he stands up in court and says this you jump up and say "You lying c**t.....it was deer we were after!!!!"............. :D

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