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finally got my day in court coming up

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Been to court once in my life for poaching, at Haddington Sheriffs court..We went up on the Lammamuirsthe night before lamping, got 93 rabbits with three dogs, went to the court the next morning, got

I wish you all the luck in the world.I have been in a few similar situations one that ended up at crown and if i was found guilty could have seen me loose my liberty the 3 keepers and two coppers were

I dare you when he stands up in court and says this you jump up and say "You lying c**t.....it was deer we were after!!!!".............

had the pleasure of haddinton court always got a result there ,but some laughs worse time ws miners strike 85 if it moved eat it if it looked like coal wood burn it etc, its afunny old courst shows thwe police for what they are ,att times lammermuirs i think i no were that is lol , used to be ahaven for rabbs biggets day ever with pair of dogs seven ferrt ws 68 great days up there camping fishing etc , romany you could make afilm for poacher sover the years there had some [bANNED TEXT] laugh and some got lie downs , duns was worse and berwick not much better , halycon days


Aye whin I think we were going up a bit before yourselves..and you seem to know the area..early 1969 my first excursion there, when we were longnetting around Abbey St Bathams, Longramacus, Gifford, Reston, Preston, Cranshaws etc, etc etc...with some of the best longnetters this country has produced, princes of darkness...the Lammermuirs stretch well over to the west and around Carfaemill we poached, then ended up with the best farm Ive ever known for rabbits, got the farm in August and between then and the end of the year had over 3000 rabbits (dogs, longnets at night and ferreting) yes it was a haven, nothing but netting drop in traps and rats there now..

I also told a bit of a white lie before, Ive actually been done twice, see what happens when you get old, but, its never been a thing Ive bragged about, wish I could have said Ive never been caught in my life-time..Was at Duns Sheriffs court, 1970 or there abouts, a Sheriff Patterson, remember him looking over his small square rimmed glasses at me, conviscatged the best little air rifle Ive had for nailing bunnies out the car window, Webley mark 3, underlever with a white disc set in the butt...

Berwick court Ive never had the privilage of attending..but, I worked my dogs with the Hon PJW Fairfax (mentioned in Walshes Lurchers and Longdogs, dogs Flax and Fluke, old flukey was a mean old dog on the foxes, but thats another story, or maybe a fiilm whin) on his land on the borders, and he was a magistrate there for a time..so maybe a good job I didnt go in front of him..but, may have helped my cause..who knows.


Poaching at these times was seen as a nuicance offence, now, its wildlife crime, £30 fines are a thing of the past..If you get a five hundred pound fine now matie, take it that youve been let off..hope it gets thrown out through..keep us informed

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thanks lads their sum right c..nts out their nowt better to do but butt slurp the law this guy going to go to court and say in all is years as been a hunter and pest controller on the night in question its is view that lampers were on the land in question with dogs and wellington boots and that the action of the lamp was that it was being used to catch rabbits what a load of bull by the way lads all this coimg from his view which must have been over half a mile away


I dare you when he stands up in court and says this you jump up and say "You lying c**t.....it was deer we were after!!!!"............. :D

:laugh: :laugh: :D :D :laugh: :laugh: :D :D :laugh: :laugh: :thumbs:
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sherriff patterson is retired now romany, he gave me a £1000 fine for nine salmon scales in the eighties. He also jailed me and big keith, rip, in the nineties, can,t say i,ll miss him. His replacement is no better mind,drummond, i got a years ban, £500 fine and an extended test resit for a bit of a police chase one afternoon.

Cant remember the last time anyone was at berwick court for dogs, certainly was,nt. whin.

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sherriff patterson is retired now romany, he gave me a £1000 fine for nine salmon scales in the eighties. He also jailed me and big keith, rip, in the nineties, can,t say i,ll miss him. His replacement is no better mind,drummond, i got a years ban, £500 fine and an extended test resit for a bit of a police chase one afternoon.

Cant remember the last time anyone was at berwick court for dogs, certainly was,nt. whin.


Patterson would have hung you if he could :laugh: just trying to think who big Keith could be, was he from berwick?..I travelled with Lord Ford, Badger Johnson rip and Spike, dont know if you know these guys,,dont have any dealings with Drummond, but there all the same

Hey coney bet your starting to shit yourself now, £1000 fines, jail sentances, Botany Bay next for you..."It is my duty coney, to inform you that for such a hidious crime, you will be taken to a place of execusion where you will be hanged by the neck until you are dead, and may god have mercy on you soul...take him down" :laugh: :laugh:

Edited by Romany
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Aye, patterson despised poachers, particularly fish as he was a keen angler, but he also pretty much despised anyone in front of him. I remember him giving some lads £600 each for getting caught in a field with lamps and dogs, no quarry at all

keith was keith simpson, pretty sure you,re dad slipped his dogs on the fens?

I have talked to you on the phone a few times, usually about deerhounds, i got that bitch pup from trevor that you were maybe going to get.

I still have a bit of permission at longformacus but the last two bad winters have f****d it, we served our apprenticeships at pease bay/dunglass, used to be covered but pretty bare nowadays

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up in scotland they still despise poaching , romany ,presslie was haddington etc ive hunted in all these parts you talk about but eighties , great places for game and rabbs ,but drop boxes netting 2 2s and lamps have decimated it plus buzzards and other pests, no all thes e areas very well ,

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If it wasn't you (this time ;) ) then you've been hard done by and I hope it gets quashed. Come on though fellas - you all know the score whether you believe its your god given right or not. Poaching has consequences (getting caught does anyway) so man up and deal with it.

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perth sherif court,1990 told that any further appearances infront of my lord smith (i think )a custodial sentence would be handed down.my arse was making buttons when i got a not proven 6 months later for the same offence :whistling: same cortroom and same judge :boogy:

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