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help on a few points required

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sooty my rescue dog has been with us 4 weeks now a require some help advice on a few pointers as i have not had a dog in a number of years,.

thank you in advance will try to post some pics time permiting.


1/ my dog has what can only be described as kennel elbows IE bald patches i was wondering could i use a emollient cream used to treat humans for excema.?? as i have a ready supply as my young lad suffers from it from time to time.


2/gipy tummy he has loose motions he has piled on the pounds since i aquired him but his stools are still loose could someone reccomend a dry dog food or possible remedy to help in this ,as his house training is still a bit hit and miss and possible causes also noticed even thoughhis are in good condition he has bad breathe with a strong fishy odour at times.??


2.1/.house training ? he can be left but sometimes will go on the carpet even after being out for a few hours both urine and stools.?? he is ok for periods but sometimes just does it in full view even though we have religously used put training mats in the kitchen.?



3/ a good cheap lamping outfit,


i suspect he is a collie greyhound lurcher as he is on the clever side[top thief] and has a tendency to haunch down and creep IE like a collie does when herding sheep., when playing. he has shown a little interest in small critters but only halfhearted but will retreve balls fluffy teddies etc. i do not want to push him to hard as i suspect he has had some severe beating somewere down the line so was looking towards maybe a run or two this year a couple of bunnies and starting next season lamping etc seriously if he aint interested fair enough he is stil the family dog.


he has shown he has a good nose and good eyesight and the clever part is he watches me try to bury his stools when he goes to toilet late at night then trys cat like to do it himself but digs holes the git.

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Mate can't help ya on the skin thing but on dry dog food I have tried beta greyhound and chudleys greyhound and they both work well and I have one dog that does alot better on a cheaper dry food and on the house training I use a water pistol on myne if they try and do it while Iam in but what I do with a pup is every time it gets up too drink or starts walking about like it's looking for some thing too do straight outside and I keep doing it and I also say a command when it is pissing like peepee and give praise after sounds gay I know but I've got one dog that will start pissing any where if I say it even on mates shoes lol and for the lamping kit can depending on what ur going for and size of fields I would say start off with a cluelight cb2 then if u start doing more u can go on too things like light force lamps that can connect too ur cluelight battery pack or go for the full kit and try lithium batteries and light force kits but there are loads of dif types of lamps u can use or u can go the homemade type which are as good as any exp one I've got one I made from a screw fix lamp took out the battery added a longer lead connected too a bigger battery in a ruck sack works and does the job cost me 30 quid well good luck mate hope the dog comes on well

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  On 12/01/2012 at 21:05, BIGLURKS said:

Mate can't help ya on the skin thing but on dry dog food I have tried beta greyhound and chudleys greyhound and they both work well and I have one dog that does alot better on a cheaper dry food and on the house training I use a water pistol on myne if they try and do it while Iam in but what I do with a pup is every time it gets up too drink or starts walking about like it's looking for some thing too do straight outside and I keep doing it and I also say a command when it is pissing like peepee and give praise after sounds gay I know but I've got one dog that will start pissing any where if I say it even on mates shoes lol and for the lamping kit can depending on what ur going for and size of fields I would say start off with a cluelight cb2 then if u start doing more u can go on too things like light force lamps that can connect too ur cluelight battery pack or go for the full kit and try lithium batteries and light force kits but there are loads of dif types of lamps u can use or u can go the homemade type which are as good as any exp one I've got one I made from a screw fix lamp took out the battery added a longer lead connected too a bigger battery in a ruck sack works and does the job cost me 30 quid well good luck mate hope the dog comes on well

  On 12/01/2012 at 21:47, mike1458 said:

If he has loose stools, put him on cooked chicken and rice/pasta for a few days. His stools should harden up. How old is the dog?



  On 12/01/2012 at 22:22, Scottish_Whippet said:

sudocream for the elbows, ues it all the time on dog and misses uses it on her horses too for scrapes cuts ets and can be used for exzeema. as mike said, cooked chicken, rice, pasta, some veg, plain food and get him wormed if not been already.atb






thanks for the advice guys the dog is roughly 12 months old .?? will worm him out again.


the lamps i used to use were LR,9s the old lucas ones seen them on ebay but aint paying 40 quid for one was looking about the 100 pound mark for a kit but theres that many out there now.?? i aint ruining my pants and coats with motor bike batteries again lol. was trying to get my lad to let me use his youtube account to post some pics vids of the dog but no chance thats his modern warfare 1 and he dont want his owd dickhead dad ruining his street cred lol will use photo bucket or create an account on youtube thanks again guys much appreciated.

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  On 12/01/2012 at 23:43, lamping lurcher said:

i use a cyclops lamp comes with red filter 3.5 million candlepower £40 cant go wrong with that hope this helps :thumbs:




nice carp in your profile mate more into match fishing well i was till i had kids. plus all the shite draws didnt help then went to the commercials stil fish when i can get out.

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