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my lad is 5, he has been ferreting/lamping/fishing mooching an bushing since the day he could walk, he is as keen as mustard, where i have always primarily hunted the bunnys, it seems he has took a shine to foxes, he dont stop talking about them, asking every question under the sun you can think of about them an there lifestyles..


so im here asking yous folks who know the fox better than the idiots that write the so called books on foxes an them clowns on tele that tell us lies about our ginger friends, to tell is what yous know about the fox...


so lets hear some facts on foxes an there ways of life :thumbs:

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there red they stink they bite they shite and there out and about day and night

I would say that if you recieved a hundred serious posts by guys that know the ins and outs of the life of the Fox.. there would be a few differences regarding answers about the same questions. Reason

Hi mate,   get down to your local library and try to get a copy of Running with the fox by David Macdonald. This guy done a lot of research on the red fox. I read it a good few years ago, and it was

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Guest busterdog
  On 12/01/2012 at 16:49, reddawn said:

fook sake, so none a you terriermen actually know anything about the quarry you hunt :icon_eek:


What would you like to know ?, the biggest litter i've personaly had was eleven, there's one factoid for you.

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  On 12/01/2012 at 17:12, old timer123 said:

thought you were thl guru that knew everything there is top know about anything lol


i bow only to you mate, oh aye an whin :laugh: seriously tho, i only know what i have read on foxes, i have been digging an have seen them taken on the lamp, but they have never intrested me, an anybody that :laugh: knows me will tell you they never have intrested me, id walk past 10 for a run at a bunny or a scabby hare :toast:

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Guest busterdog

There's loads of dark ones in the south shropshire country,. I used to have a photo of a fox i'de dug that had white front legs, i never noticed when i dug it, someone else pointed it out to me on the picture :icon_redface: .

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  On 12/01/2012 at 17:13, busterdog said:
  On 12/01/2012 at 16:49, reddawn said:

fook sake, so none a you terriermen actually know anything about the quarry you hunt :icon_eek:


What would you like to know ?, the biggest litter i've personaly had was eleven, there's one factoid for you.


have you ever seen them in more than 2's above ground?? what is the normal, sized litter?? how long do they actually stay with there parents after they born??

anybody ever examined a fox's stomach content??


i have been on nearly every site i can find, showing him pics an reading out some facts for him, but even as im reading it i know a lot of it is shite, what chance have our kids got if everything wrote about animals is written by blinkered folk :hmm:

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