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do yas think hunting was banned because people have humanised animals

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Media has a huge part to play in the shit we have to put up with i dont know how many times ive heard hunting with dogs is illegal on tv the police dont have a clue i was stopped the other week by a young copper who said weve had a report of someone rabbiting is that you , yes i replied so what its not against the law , he looked shocked so i gave him a bit of schooling about the ban and sent him on his way

My point is the general public havent got a clue all they know is what there told imo the ca needs to put pressure on the media to make them tell the whole truth not jus some dribble that hunting with dogs is totaly illegal

Half the people on here haven,t got a clue whats legal,what chance have joe public got :whistling:
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I have spent many happy moments discussing this issue with 'rapid antis'.......... you know, the sort of people who come striding across to where you are enjoying a bit of ferreting, mobile in hand,

Class issue and lack of education and we got to wake up ourselves to ommit than any form of hunting fishing is cruel in some form unless your a very good rifle shot and have a instant clean kill . Wh

People have always made shows / told stories where they have anthropormorphised animals. Probably since the dawn of time. I loved stories about animals when i was a kid.   I don't think that's the i

Thinking about Robin Page's book The Hunting Gene: I've never read it, but by all accounts there are some people who are hunters through and through. They don't particularly relish killing things, but they do relish outwitting, hunting, finding wild animals. The catch or kill at the end of a successful hunt is just a small part of the whole process.


I can remember when I first dispatched a rabbit, I was around 9 or 10 years old and the early blights of myxie were sweeping the countryside. I didn't like to see the animal suffering so I killed it. I didn't really come from a hunting background, though my dad shot rabbits for food. Then I got into fox hunting down on the Cornish moors: I just had a scraggy little pony which fitted in well with the other nags in the area: this wasn't a posh hunt, just a few farmers and local people who went to watch hounds work more than for the social aspect of it, unlike the large posh hunts in the Shires


I wonder what it is that makes some of us want to hunt: is it really a long dormant gene? Are we throw backs to our ancestors thousands of years ago? I think it must be so, though like many others who hunt, I like the idea of having a survivalist attitude: I'm damn sure me and mine won't go hungry if civilisation goes tits up.

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same thing that makes some people phyco killers and others geniusis, i do believe the will to hunt is a natural instinct that once rekindled is hard to surpress. the survivalist is in us all, however knowledge will give anyone a head start. once a basic need is taken away say food or clean water than im afraid humanity and compasion will soon follow.

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As Cookie says, the reason why some forms of hunting is is banned because it can cause unnecessary suffering. It has nothing to do with people "humanising animals" although I think a good few think like that. For instance hunting with dogs is some times the only way it can be done and you've got to admit there are much more efficient methods of controlling things, it's just some times things like shooting or poison are just not an option.

the thing people forget is, animals hunt other animals end off, theres nothing more natural, guns and poison are man made :thumbs:

that's what's bizarre isn't it, the fact that so many people would call you cruel for hunting a rabbit with a dog, and those same people would urge you to not harm foxes who themselves are dogs who kill more wildlife and game than the majority of domestic dogs. Do antis think that foxes are cruel for killing rabbits?? Do they even know what cruel means???


It's all down to ignorance.......the attitude that winds me up more than anything are those that don't agree with hunting but eat meat, and when questioned on it either say that they don't care how it dies as long as they don't know about it, or say that it's not counted cos they didn't kill it. And a lot of the time it's intellegent (in other areas!) people that are coming out with things like that!

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I dont think its a case of humanising animals i just think its become trendy to be compassionate.......i blame Bob Geldof :D .....if that c**t hadnt started all that feed the world bollocks which made people totally obssessed about being the saviour of the world......we would be like any other country and encourage the strong to survive and the weak die out............might sound a bit harsh but the whole race issue this country is currently going through is because we wont allow people to be worse off than us we want to save the planet.......a lot of folk ( antis mostly ) take that to a whole new level and want to not only feed and save the worlds poor humans but save the worlds poor animals....all animals !..... then it becomes dangerous where you get lunatics that make an animals life of more value than a humans.......look at some of the little balls of fluff dogs you see growing out of rich old ladies armpits,they are the weakest most feeble of animals that just couldnt survive but for their deranged owners....those owners are not doing it because they want to save a poor useless animal they are doing it because its trendy......just another version of Madonna or Brad Pitt importing a little pot bellied african because its trendy but done under the banner of " its because we care " ....bullshit !

Edited by gnasher16
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