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do yas think hunting was banned because people have humanised animals

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I have spent many happy moments discussing this issue with 'rapid antis'.......... you know, the sort of people who come striding across to where you are enjoying a bit of ferreting, mobile in hand,

Class issue and lack of education and we got to wake up ourselves to ommit than any form of hunting fishing is cruel in some form unless your a very good rifle shot and have a instant clean kill . Wh

People have always made shows / told stories where they have anthropormorphised animals. Probably since the dawn of time. I loved stories about animals when i was a kid.   I don't think that's the i

i think its more to do with the populus now living in big towns and citys as a whole and thus having no idea of the countryside other than what the main stream media portrays. strangley enough mainly airing on the side of the anti hunt brigade. youve only got to look to the old style villages and the attitude towards hunting is different/accepted as the norm. however even this is now starting to change as the youngsters who grew up in the villages can no longer afford to live or get work there, so there is an influx of wealthy townies comming into the villages with no idea of the countryside other than what the mainstream media tells them, very sad abd i fear for the future of all blood/fieldsports


edited to add, as for the comment on poaching with dogs, no poacher worth his salt would be advertising his exploits on an open forum on the internet :laugh: only wide boys and wannabees :laugh: poaching is as much a way of the countryside as hay making :laugh: long may it carry on :laugh:


I agree but the main populus have lived in large towns and cities for a long time, I think it's industrialised food production that broke the connection between people and where their food actually comes from. Farmer's markets now are just a novelty (mostly for weathier people) in large towns. 50 or 60 years ago that was where you got a lot of your food.


Only education of children and adults alike will solve the problem. While they are annoying I find that Hugh Fernley et al are helping to some extent.

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As Cookie says, the reason why some forms of hunting is is banned because it can cause unnecessary suffering. It has nothing to do with people "humanising animals" although I think a good few think like that. For instance hunting with dogs is some times the only way it can be done and you've got to admit there are much more efficient methods of controlling things, it's just some times things like shooting or poison are just not an option.

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As Cookie says, the reason why some forms of hunting is is banned because it can cause unnecessary suffering. It has nothing to do with people "humanising animals" although I think a good few think like that. For instance hunting with dogs is some times the only way it can be done and you've got to admit there are much more efficient methods of controlling things, it's just some times things like shooting or poison are just not an option.

the thing people forget is, animals hunt other animals end off, theres nothing more natural, guns and poison are man made :thumbs:
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in my house i am the teacher i educate my children they take most things i say as gospel i know the way of my life regarding hunting and hopfully my lads will do the same not excepting the same from my daughter but hoping haha ,but i know weres yous are coming from

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People have always made shows / told stories where they have anthropormorphised animals. Probably since the dawn of time. I loved stories about animals when i was a kid.


I don't think that's the issue really.


Like has been said, there is an increasing seperation between the general populace of the country and reality. 'Survival' is pretty easy these days, it's a nanny state where most are spoon fed, and hand held through it all.


It's probably quite understandable that many folk look down on hunting, for most the desire to kill something is pretty weird. Given the society we live in, that's probably fairly normal.

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It's probably quite understandable that many folk look down on hunting, for most the desire to kill something is pretty weird. Given the society we live in, that's probably fairly normal.




It's why we desire to kill things most people don't get. The actual act of taking an animals life is a very small part of the whole IMO. I don't personally know that many sensible people out there who go out purely for the kick of killing something...

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thats a good point jai. got a few mates,and folk i know who certainly arent anti,but hand them a rabbit or pheasant and ask them to dispatch it,and most would resond with "f**k off you psycho". i have been skinning various stuff at times and folk have stopped in,and cant get away quick enough. i have no problem with that. you need to accept that there just not into that. its the fanatics that i have a prob with. when i worked in the slaughterhouse,you would see guys lasting an hour lol just couldnt handle it. we used to have bets on how long the new starts would last. at least they tried to give it a go and understand it.most of the population imo just dont like thinking about where the source of our meat comes from,or the people who provide it.yea animal stories were cool,remember reading of cunning red reynard as a kid wasnt so cunning when i got older.lol

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i blame disney and tescos


i was reared in a house that rescued animals, where my sister wasa vegetarian, where the books i had on my bookshelf where enid blyton, c.s lewis, joyce stranger, animals of farthing wood. yet i lean towards survivalist ideals. i yearn for the day when people have to return to the old ways, guess im a bit of a freak.

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i blame disney and tescos


i was reared in a house that rescued animals, where my sister wasa vegetarian, where the books i had on my bookshelf where enid blyton, c.s lewis, joyce stranger, animals of farthing wood. yet i lean towards survivalist ideals. i yearn for the day when people have to return to the old ways, guess im a bit of a freak.


we wouldn't have you any other way :laugh::thumbs:

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Media has a huge part to play in the shit we have to put up with i dont know how many times ive heard hunting with dogs is illegal on tv the police dont have a clue i was stopped the other week by a young copper who said weve had a report of someone rabbiting is that you , yes i replied so what its not against the law , he looked shocked so i gave him a bit of schooling about the ban and sent him on his way

My point is the general public havent got a clue all they know is what there told imo the ca needs to put pressure on the media to make them tell the whole truth not jus some dribble that hunting with dogs is totaly illegal

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Media has a huge part to play in the shit we have to put up with i dont know how many times ive heard hunting with dogs is illegal on tv the police dont have a clue i was stopped the other week by a young copper who said weve had a report of someone rabbiting is that you , yes i replied so what its not against the law , he looked shocked so i gave him a bit of schooling about the ban and sent him on his way

My point is the general public havent got a clue all they know is what there told imo the ca needs to put pressure on the media to make them tell the whole truth not jus some dribble that hunting with dogs is totaly illegal

any mention of hunting with lurchers or terriers in the media is always accompanied by a mention of badger baiting, sensationalisum sells the truth doesnt
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