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Holiday break near Tenby,Wales .Ive never been one to sit on the beach so-







These crabs were found at the low water mark and emerge from the sand to filter feed the debri on the water line .The sexes are different in that the female has shorter claws ,found one egg bound.They are a seagull delicacy as was evident by the empty shells and the gulls caught in the act.I think they are a type of spider crab but no doubt someone will know .They are very active away from water and scuttle up and down the waters edge .





The prawns were big enough to eat ,had there been enough[too early in the year]





These fish along with many more of the same were caught on size 14 hooks baited with de-shelled winkles on hand lines in the pools .The local name for them is goby but I think the commen name is rockling .They grow to a maximum of 12 inches but most we caught were roughly 6 .Greedy little beggars that werent put off by shadows on the water or being hooked twice .

Edited by foxdropper
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