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Quick scope cam question

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Finally got around to sorting out the Lumix and Seben scope cam adaptor and they seem to be working brilliantly. The camera is recording in HD, and the crosshairs on the clips are very crisp and clear, but the downrange image isn't really as clear as I'd like it. I think this is because the camera is focused on the reticule and also having to view the target through the Viper scope glass (the parallax was focused correctly) :hmm: I only thought about it when I got home and watched the video's back.


I wonder if the clarity of the downrange target would have been clearer if I had my scope on a lower mag? It was x10 when I did the recordings today, what magnification do the scope cam chaps use on here and do you find it makes the image clearer?


I'm off to the 25m indoor range tonight at our club so will experiment further. If I can figure it out I'll have a go at uploading one of the videos from tonight's plinking sessions so that you can see what I'm referring to :thumbs:



Edited by Elliott
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Day time x5 mag and night between 3 and 5 buddy.


The lower mag the better the picture.




Thanks Si, I'll give that a try - just means I'll need to get my head around the new mil dot calibration :thumbs:


Can't help but think there's something else I'm missing too :hmm:.. just uploading a video from SD card to PC, then to YouTube (hopefully) so you can see



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Will have a look for you pal.


As i sent you via PM.


Dont forget to turn off the stabilization in camera settings to stop the cross hairs moving about all over the picture.


Use the lowest mag you can on your scope especially at night and use the optical zoom on the camera to bring the target closer.


In the day a x 5 or 6 works well but as you said you need to do a new calibration chart of all the scope mags you use unless you have a scope with a FFP which i believe you dont have.


I have calibrated my own scopes on both rifles from 5 to 55 metres on x3 x5 x6 and x10 mag. I keep a small card with each rifle now that can go in my pocket or around my neck for quick reference when shooting.


Im doing a massive ratting job on this Fri coming with Davy and Russle (Dog Vixon) for VerminHuntersTV and ill be using x3 mag and the HW100 S. The next day we are shooting corvids and rabbits and ill be using LJ's Tench regged Ultra on x5 mag in the day through the scope camera and x 10 just through the scope (no cam fitted).


Any more help of info just ask pal.


If your interested me and Davy will get you on a shoot with us in the future as we have alot of new land now and some in the process of coming to us soon.



Edited by zini
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Will have a look for you pal.


As i sent you via PM.


Dont forget to turn off the stabilization in camera settings to stop the cross hairs moving about all over the picture.


Use the lowest mag you can on your scope especially at night and use the optical zoom on the camera to bring the target closer.


In the day a x 5 or 6 works well but as you said you need to do a new calibration chart of all the scope mags you use unless you have a scope with a FFP which i believe you dont have.


I have calibrated my own scopes on both rifles from 5 to 55 metres on x3 x5 x6 and x10 mag. I keep a small card with each rifle now that can go in my pocket or around my neck for quick reference when shooting.


Im doing a massive ratting job on this Fri coming with Davy and Russle (Dog Vixon) for VerminHuntersTV and ill be using x3 mag and the HW100 S. The next day we are shooting corvids and rabbits and ill be using LJ's Tench regged Ultra on x5 mag in the day through the scope camera and x 10 just through the scope (no cam fitted).


Any more help of info just ask pal.


If your interested me and Davy will get you on a shoot with us in the future as we have alot of new land now and some in the process of coming to us soon.




Spot on as usual Si, I think I had the stabilization mode on which explains why the crosshairs took some time to settle too! Thanks for the advice, its really appreciated, I'm sure I'll get there in the end. Just figured out how to convert to MPEG 2 from the Lumix software so I can upload to YouTube (may not have to do it) so I'm still experimenting a bit and I'm waiting for my slow internet connection (tethered from my phone!) to upload onto YouTube (22% done up to yet :huh: ).


Looking forward to seeing the VerminHunters video's, I can only hope to capture footage like you and Davy, you both must have put some real time in :victory: I'm enjoying the challenge though, its a bit of interest in the breaks I'm getting whist I'm on paternity leave.


Would be well up for getting out with you and Davy on some permissions :thumbs: I'll get some practice in with my new choice of pellets (Daystate Rangemaster Li's) and scope camera set up after following your advice and give you both a shout ;)

Edited by Elliott
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No problems pal, your very welcome.


Ill PM you my personal mobile number and if you need any advice, help or just a friendly chat dont hesitate to call or text buddy.


Kind regards



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Here's the video, apologies for the talking, I was having a chat with one of the club members who showed an interest in the set up. See what I mean about the target not being as clear as the crosshair? Needs some playing with to get right and note the crosshair moving slightly, so I'll turn off the stabilization mode and give that a try next time ;)



Edited by Elliott
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