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Best .177 pcp for under 500 pound.

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Dear Air Gunners,


As the title suggests im looking at .177's and as i am new, i am trying to NOT do my usual and go get a super expensive gun, and running before I can walk. I have Got at the moment a BSA ULTRA .22 (which i want blue printed any advice welcome). But I would like a .177, to give me some variety and also that slightly longer range for when i get done with the basics and for as my level of shooting improves. All comments welcome as i am trying to build a good foundation of knowledge to help me progress forward. (Please excuse any spelling or grammar I am dyslexic, My lectures hate reading my work)


Many Thanks


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Hi Gareth.


If you want the Ultra Blueprinting, get in touch with John Bowkett....TEL: 0121 7454287



3 Welford Road.


West Midds.

B90 3HX


He is a great guy to talk to and his work is fisrt class.

He will have your Ultra smooth as mate.


As for .177.....why not get an Ultra in .177.......or do you fancy a change.







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Hello Bill,


I am looking at getting another one in .177 however my local gun shop seem to push Brocock rifles hard and shooting one they seem the business to be fair. However second hand your getting more for your money and the gun is warn in (hopefully not warn out) so I am in two minds hence the thread.





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Hello Bill,


I am looking at getting another one in .177 however my local gun shop seem to push Brocock rifles hard and shooting one they seem the business to be fair. However second hand your getting more for your money and the gun is warn in (hopefully not warn out) so I am in two minds hence the thread.







Hi Gareth.


Tough call mate, I have no experience with Brocock rifles myself.

If you had another Ultra, you would have the benefit of being able to get it Blueprinted later on, same as the .22 Ultra, two very nice rifles sorted and on the money.

Love mine .22, dont think Ill ever part with it.





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Would you say the s410 is solid gun then?





solid and incredibly accurate. i had one before my hw100 and i dropped it once and bent the barrell after sorting out the scope to cope with the difference it would still do 11mm groups at 30metres




edited to add that the only reason i bought a hw100 is because i picked a hw100tk up at the shop and loved the mag system and side lever, i wouldn't say it is more accurate


imo go for the s410 carbine

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