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The ban ?

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As death by dog said were still sneaking about as usual, I was out last night doing a bit of lamping up around a big farm when i was walking down the lane to go to my next field with rabbit i said to my mate hurry up and get down this lane incase we get caught , then seen lights of a big pick-up driving up the lane he stopped and said well young fella how are you getting on any rabbits? i was like aye was doing a wee bita lamping there you dont mind do ye? he said no not at all sure come up tomorow and i will take you around to show you all the good place about my place :toast:

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There are many to whom the "ban " means nothing ! How many on here worked their dogs legaly, before the ban ? Don't forget, it was ilegal before the "ban " to take rabbits and game, without permision. How many of us walked the walk and never had permision in their lifes ? A fine under the "Trespass In Pursuit" law, would be the same ,(adjusting for inflation ! LOl !), as a fine under the "Hunting Act 2004" Poaching has always been ilegal.... you takes your chance......you takes your punishment !


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It's the child syndrome coming out in all of us, you tell a kid he can't do something what happens.... All he wants to do is what u told him not too!

Do your home work, keep your eyes and ears open and enjoy yourlife! It's not like were out mugging grannies is it?!!

Happy hunting!

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It's the child syndrome coming out in all of us, you tell a kid he can't do something what happens.... All he wants to do is what u told him not too!

Do your home work, keep your eyes and ears open and enjoy yourlife! It's not like were out mugging grannies is it?!!

Happy hunting!

Your more likely to receive harsher treatment in a Court of Law for an hunting related prosecution,than one for mugging an old dear.Therein lies the real travesty and underlines the resolve of certain political organisations to keep pressure on the Politicians to ensure the ban stays.So with little hope of things changing,to the benefit of the hunting fraternity,especially the dog men/women,you may have to resort to a little discretion in the field,which in reality,as always been the way.
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ye you take your punishment for sure , what gets me most when it wsnt banned nevr botherd with some of the forms of hunting now they see it as a thing to do , strange place


Whin, I can't say much has changed in my hunting in this country. In the 60's & 70's I loved daywalking for hares; then the lamping came in and I took to it with gusto !! These days I do a bit of both, I enjoy a walk with the lamp, but must admit, I still like the thrill of the chase during the day ! Hope you have a great New Year !! :thumbs:

Cheers. :laugh:

Edited by chartpolski
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what made me wonder about the ban ove their, is the hare must be shot, if it looks like the dog is going to catch it!

what a load of crap, as if that was the case, the dog would be shot too accidently, trying to shoot the hare! :rolleyes:

i think it was made up by a load of dicks, in a office, who have never, set foot in the countryside in their sad lifes!

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As death by dog said were still sneaking about as usual, I was out last night doing a bit of lamping up around a big farm when i was walking down the lane to go to my next field with rabbit i said to my mate hurry up and get down this lane incase we get caught , then seen lights of a big pick-up driving up the lane he stopped and said well young fella how are you getting on any rabbits? i was like aye was do :victory:

i would put the lottery on this week mate
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