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Whats the key to rat shooting?

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Alright guys and gals, i've got a nice bit of permission in a old barn not to far away from me. It's got rats running in and out of every nook and cranny! They dont seem to bad in coming out into the open every now and offer a good shot but I need to know the key to attracting them into one spot, simpy so i dont have to change position evey 5 seconds! Thanks in advance for any advice :thumbs:


Rikki :victory:

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I always used to mix some cat/dog meat with plenty of water on a tray so the rats had to stay and lick the food up and not carry it away like they do with corn sometimes. I used to nip down a couple days before i was shooting to get the rats used to the tray and food then when i turned up with my rifle it was easy pickings hope this helps

ATB brent

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ive tried the cat/dog food on a paving slab, nothing was interested, i tried peanut butter - nothing and i tried chocolate, i put them in the same spots were i see them running, but nothing seems to come out and it seems to detur them because none seems to come out in that area for sometime after ive put down the bait? :S


these rats are huge as well and an old wives tale hit me a few weeks back "when rats are that big they dont need to fight for food, they just pick and choose when they want to eat" :S does this have any meaning or is it a load of old wives b******ks?

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I always used to mix some cat/dog meat with plenty of water on a tray so the rats had to stay and lick the food up and not carry it away like they do with corn sometimes. I used to nip down a couple days before i was shooting to get the rats used to the tray and food then when i turned up with my rifle it was easy pickings hope this helps ATB brent


i like the sound of this.. whats the best thing to use as a tray?

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Rats are ery weary of things that just suddenly appear around them and their runs!

They will actively find another route until they become 'used' to the object. This may take a few days, but once they get used to it, they will eventually start snaffling it ;)




Oh yeh, the other key to shooting them, is "Not to crap yourself" when they charge towards you or climb over you :icon_redface:

Edited by Phantom
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I always used to mix some cat/dog meat with plenty of water on a tray so the rats had to stay and lick the food up and not carry it away like they do with corn sometimes. I used to nip down a couple days before i was shooting to get the rats used to the tray and food then when i turned up with my rifle it was easy pickings hope this helps ATB brent


i like the sound of this.. whats the best thing to use as a tray?

I just used a macdonalds tray, dont just go down and try and bait them the same day your going to shoot put the tray out a few days earlier and keep baiting it up they will soon get used to food being there

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i once had to shoot some that had been feasting on left over dried dog biscuits.the lad that was cleaning out the kennels was supposed to be binning the waste food, but was instead lobbing it over the wall into the was ground. after a while the whole area was infested. so we started by baiting the top of the wall with the same biscuits. putting a load of loose ones on the wall as normal, then we also super glued a lot down. we did this for a week or so, then i started shooting them as it went dark. the glued down biscuits worked a treat. was getting big numbers at first then the numbers dwindled down. had some good sport, and some big rats that where feeding on high protien dog food.

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i use a tin of soup, ox tail or chicken. just pour out on the floor.not all in one place. pour a few spots out . the rats come out quick and lick it up. plenty 'a' time to drill a slug threw it's nappa.move any dead rats away from the bait. and any blood puddles i sprinkle a bit of earth over it. i have had rat blood go into the chicken soup. makin it a pinky colour. rats still came for it though.

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I would leave the dead ones where they fell :yes:

From what I and a few others have seen, fresh blood from a fallen rat is one of the very best baits going :yes:

I've seen em sniff the bait and totally ignore it, the smell of fresh blood from a dead buddy just overpoweres them and they have just GOT TO lick it up!



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