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There was an earlier thread on this same topic raised by someone else, it was subsequently suggested that "Mods should delete this thread as it's only advertising an anti bullshit website" and this th

I can't remember the last time I put up a decent thread, and this has been one of my best seasons. Out 2,3,4 or more days a week digging. At the end of the day I have more to loose than I have to ga

Without a shadow of doubt the internet is one of the most powerful and widely available communication tools of our lifetime. It’s not going to go away and in my view if used wisely it can do far more

  On 09/01/2012 at 18:24, the_stig said:

i`m sure some of the shite stirrers on terrier threads are antis anyway ... then you get show us your smashed up pats type threads antis again -- and people freely post up photos ...

What do you want then stig?

Lets see your terriers with ribbons in there hair?

Where do you draw the line?

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Barrie having known you for to many years you have my utmost respect in your endeavour to educate the section of terrier folk that feel the need to come on web sites and discuss there recent trips out in the field.

Gone are the days when we would meet for a drink and chat at a decent show with men we knew and trusted,yes dogs and digs were spoke of but that's were it stayed (in the field)

I remember Brian stating 25 years ago the Internet would be our worst enemy and he was 100per cent right.

Good luck in every thing you do.


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  On 09/01/2012 at 18:32, Mustard. said:
  On 09/01/2012 at 18:24, the_stig said:
i`m sure some of the shite stirrers on terrier threads are antis anyway ... then you get show us your smashed up pats type threads antis again -- and people freely post up photos ...
What do you want then stig? Lets see your terriers with ribbons in there hair? Where do you draw the line?
chances are most of these types of threads are put up by antis -- and then we oblige them with a few photos -- i know its difficult and we need to use a bit of common sense .. been in the game a long time along time before pre ban on anything and i would`nt share some of the things i`ve seen or done with anyone ... Edited by the_stig
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  On 09/01/2012 at 13:44, lurcher330 said:

I do agree to what your saying to a point but ,i suggested it should be removed because each and every hit that site gets they regard as it someone agreeing with what they are saying'and the anti's on here that may not of come across these sites link up and join their campaigne ,we all know they re out there so they do not need to be promoted,JMHO atb Lurcher330

hear hear graham
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I had a good look at the site earlier and you are 100% spot on , these anti groups are ruthless and will stop at nothing to push their narrow minded views, i dont dig myself but totaly support those that do , the time has come for the antis to get a taste of their own medicine the countryside aliance say they want the ban lifted but all ive ever heard is arguements with the lacs but thats just my opinion , something needs to be done because things are going to get much worse at this rate

Atb Trinder

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so if were not going to talk about working our terriers on a working terrier forum ,, wat are we going to talk about ...

i think the site should have a bit of a clear up and u have to be a member to look trough the site maybe cut out the people that have 2 accounts

im no good at wording things but use know wat im trying to say

ps i wont be fueling them wankers ,, im finished wit photos :cray:

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Its a sad time for everyone when people cant learn to mind they're own business and force they're own opinions on others as being the ONLY right view.

There use to be a time when no one cared where you were going or where you came from as long as you were minding your own business.

Unfortunetly i never got to experiance those days, and im SURE those days are long gone.

Its sad that there are people who devote ALL of they're time and efforts into stopping other people from doing things that they think are "wrong" or whatever the case.

Its just dissapointing...

I wish people could MIND THEY'RE OWN BUSINESS... But we cant all get what we wish for, and that is why we should be careful of what we say and do. Because THERE ARE people out there who want NOTHING MORE than to stop working dogs, and even stop pet ownership(as stupid as it sounds) and these people have ALOT of money in they're bank accounts to help they're campaigns against whatever they feel is wrong.


The normal urban city deweller is going to be oblivious to alot of things that partain to the wildlands and rural areas and things that happen there. Most people probably think that chicken tenders and porkchops are made in a testtube and then are packaged in pretty containers ready to be cooked and eaten. They are SO FAR REMOVED from the truth of the matter.

And when somone devotes 2million dollars in advertisements towards stopping(whatever they please) the urban city dewellers LISTEN AND TAKE IT AS A MATTER OF FACT AND THE TRUTH.


The way of life for alot of people, tradition that has been passed down through familes for 100s of years is very much threatened. To be frank there is NOT MUCH we can do to stop it. So it pays to be smart and think about what you say or do AHEAD OF TIME.


I hope some of this makes sense, sorry if i rambled on too much..
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