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A couple of hours around the fishery (Cropsafe Crew)

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It's a stanley shovel, great for clearing the soft stuff but not fantastic for digging it just feels a bit flimsy. The shovel head tapers outward a bit to much for digging straight down so we use some good old spades. The old ones are the best they are strong and made from proper steel (prob good old sheffield stuff) and get the job done in no time. We like a bit of digging, either ferreting or whatever, so good tools save the day every tool has a function.

So in answer to your question they are excellent for light work and clearing the holes but not fantastic to dig with.


Cheers. :thumbs:

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Yes I know what you mean about dry stone walls, we use to do quite a few on some of the land we have. They can be stubborn as mules and sit tight so you have to dismantle the walls sometimes. Good job we are good at re assembling them. One farm was all walls and they were undermining them so they collapsed, we were saviours to the farmer, it used to cost him a fortune to get them re built every year.

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