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Ferret vets out to make ££££

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lab how many years you being into running dogs mate and coursing ferreting all sorts as i wouldnt dare tell another man his sport weather it was shooting etc i no quite alot about traingin gun dogs mate has one several trails , never bark up anothe mans tree if you havent lived that type of life bud ille not tell you how to pour grain in atub mate or beat a wood out .or de beak abird

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they're probably all countdown viewers, they've heard making words out of your posts is more difficult that the puzzles on the programme

now whilst i dont like giving vets money,,,lets look at it properly,,, you guys above complianing about £95.......   here you have a person thats spent 7 years at vet collage, to qualify,,,and is no

Whins a legend in a crisp packet the other ones a legend in Tesco's Car park

jonny hit me with a question about hunting dogs breeding poaching ille anser it best i no how and ille be truthful if not fech off mate with your jonny hancocks , any man that has to go down the road to a pet breeder well shows you how long hees had lurchers when the welsh hills are full of decent collies same as scotland , trevor i like your theory on ampiciln it sound like [bANNED TEXT] out of a book word perfect , as i said to you before whats your hunting knowedge dog breeeding etc like you sound a theorist

Dont use dogs never have. Wouldnt mind it but not got the facilities to accommodate them as mentioned in my posts......which you would have seen ...as you obviously just went through my post........im flattered. :icon_redface: :icon_redface:


Air rifle hunting for numerous years and plenty of rabbits and other species in the bag along the way. Estate manager in Ascot, Berkshire for 3 years for Arab royal family. And been ferreting since i was 18 and love it.


And as for my reply to penecillin not from a text book but from a vetinary friend who i have very close contact with and highly knowledgable.


C.V and references can be supplied on request. :victory:

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jonny hit me with a question about hunting dogs breeding poaching ille anser it best i no how and ille be truthful if not fech off mate with your jonny hancocks , any man that has to go down the road to a pet breeder well shows you how long hees had lurchers when the welsh hills are full of decent collies same as scotland , trevor i like your theory on ampiciln it sound like [bANNED TEXT] out of a book word perfect , as i said to you before whats your hunting knowedge dog breeeding etc like you sound a theorist

I've 2 lurchers whin not one of them bred by Hancock mate.............you forever saying that nobody will get your hard earned experience yet you ask somebody else what there credentials are.

I never knew Hancock bred terrier based lurchers whin.


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lab how many years you being into running dogs mate and coursing ferreting all sorts as i wouldnt dare tell another man his sport weather it was shooting etc i no quite alot about traingin gun dogs mate has one several trails , never bark up anothe mans tree if you havent lived that type of life bud ille not tell you how to pour grain in atub mate or beat a wood out .or de beak abird

And heres me thinking you dont take this place seriously and like to pull folks leg. My advice is dont do it mate if you dont like it back. Said before i've never doubted your life out in the hunting world but you say to me i aint done much doesn't bother me. I wont tell you anything about running dogs because i know nowt about that........... :thumbs:

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good mate like to see what type of man im talking to at times as there a lot of wannabbes time wastrs and frauds on hunting sites and when you pasionit like me about the game you despise frauds we got filled up with shit books in the eighties about make belief dogs etc etc with profesional writes , and im not far wrong when i says you wrote it out a tex book , once i get to no people on the net an dyouve lernt how to make anet im abetr guy but very suspicious of peole on here as ome are against what i love , so i treat everybody like afecher until i think there sound just my method

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thats fine lab just not into people who are not into the sport giving judgment unless you have on hands expierence and lived that type of life , jonny i know what you have see your dogs in the avator ,

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thats fine lab just not into people who are not into the sport giving judgment unless you have on hands expierence and lived that type of life , jonny i know what you have see your dogs in the avator ,

Yes matty she's a collie/grey but she ain't out of Hancocks yard mate, the last time I got a dog from Hancocks was 1999.That bitch in my avatar was bred in my village by a good mate.

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thats fine lab just not into people who are not into the sport giving judgment unless you have on hands expierence and lived that type of life , jonny i know what you have see your dogs in the avator ,

Thing is ive grown up surrounded with it whin....not lurchers but greyhounds but i'm far from knowledgeable on them but i'm only a phonecall away from my Dad. And also ive kicked about in wellies since i was knee high, shot rabbits, trapped lots, snared lots and had a Grandad who passed on stuff you'd never learn at the college. I run my own game farm and pick up all winter.....i'd like to think i know a little about the ways of the hunting world.....i just dont see why coming on here and shouting about it would be too my benefit??? If someone wants advice and i can help then yee ha and i'm always learning on here too, might have picked up some stuff from you along the way too eh!!........... :thumbs:

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good just abit miffed at times al you get on these nets whats this whats that why not say like is this a good idea or hey presto what do you think of that it seems the intrnet to me is a big plug hole at times and every body wants informaition for sweet fuchall were some of us had to learn through trail and error i mean there twats on here what should i feed my dog on, how do i get the dog fit , to me its scroungers wanting thngs for nothing at the tip of a finger at times an dnot wanting to do the road work

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jonny hit me with a question about hunting dogs breeding poaching ille anser it best i no how and ille be truthful if not fech off mate with your jonny hancocks , any man that has to go down the road to a pet breeder well shows you how long hees had lurchers when the welsh hills are full of decent collies same as scotland , trevor i like your theory on ampiciln it sound like [bANNED TEXT] out of a book word perfect , as i said to you before whats your hunting knowedge dog breeeding etc like you sound a theorist

Didn't you used to own any Hancock dogs? :hmm:

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