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2 more squizzers


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Nice going mate.

Bruno22rf and I nailed a trio of squirrels today too. They'd been a nuisance at one of my shoots birdfeeders for a while and it showed when I paunched them.

The usual winter subcutaneous fat as you'd expect but rather a lot of it, but visceral fat too - couch potato squirrel?

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Nice post and good photos Chris :thumbs: .


I aggree that CS700 looks the dogs :thumbs: .


I would like to fit the skeleton version onto my HW100 S.


How long did it take for the squizzers to find the bird feeder roughly?


I have a wood on one of my permissions and there are some squizzers in it so it could be a good way of getting a bit of static hunting sorted.



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cheers lads, the feeders only been up a week si, i put it in an area where i have seen plenty of squizzers, the feeder is made of wire mesh so they cant really get to the nuts and seads, they rely on the birds to drop bits of food on the ground which is easier and safer to shoot in my eyes as theres a banking for a back stop.


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