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long net terminology


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  • 2 weeks later...

Without a shadow of a doubt 4z is the better catcher of rabbits.


As regards to the amount of slack in a net also erroneously known as bagging. If a net is shall we say 20 yards long fully rigged. Then there is with 50% slack 30 stretched yards of netting in the net.


However, if a net is 20 yards rigged with 100% slack then there are 40 yards of stretched netting in the net. The more slack the better the net will tangle up the rabbits.


As regards to the bag of the net, the bag of the net is the distance along the netting between the head line and the foot line when the net is set.


Lets just say for an example, You have ten meshes on a net of 4" mesh the net is 15.5 meshes deep so 4 x 15.5 = 62" depth. But, if you spread those 10 meshes along the line untill they are full extended 40 inches then you would not have any depth / bag in the net. As you spread out the meshes along the lines the depth / bag of the net gets shorter, therefor the more netting you have between fixed points the deeper the net / more bag, the net will have.



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