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Bimbo: Times gone by!

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My old man helped out at a potato merchant in the 60s, and delivered spuds to the local chippies.


He was delivering to a chippie in a small village, where there was a dog chained to the spud shed door, he asked the owner about the dog, and he was told he was there to stop people nicking his spuds. The girls who worked there were frighten of the dog and would not go to the shed if the owner was not around. The owner asked my old man if he wanted the dog, my old man took the dog and brought the dog home. Bimbo was his name, Alsatian x collie


I become good mates with this dog and he would shadow me wherever I went. I was 9 at the time and would go out with my old man hunting. After nagging and nagging for my own hunting dog I was given a whippet, and would take it out lamping in some fields where we lived. To get to the fields we had to walk around a grave yard which took us a mile or so out of the way.


One night my mate and I were on our way out for a lamp with the whippet, when in the dark we heard something charging towards us, I switched on the lamp and there was bimbo, someone must have let him out and he had followed us, I sent him home, then turned on the lamp so see if he had gone only to find him peeping his head around a Conner.


I picked up some stones off the road and threw them at him and he disappeared, we carried on. First field we lamped, there was a bunny sat in the middle of the filed, the whippet was slipped and the chase began, then out of the dark the bunny was taken right from under the whippet’s nose.


Then what I seen was bimbo running around with the bunny in his mouth and the whippet trying take it off him, I whistled and he came straight to me with bunny still kicking in his mouth.


We carried on; bimbo nailed a couple more with the whippet, but after, the poor whippet took a back seat. We had many years fun hunting and he made a fool off many of lurcher. He was very protective of me and would not let anyone get to close, he slept on my bed and my mother would have to throw a shoe or something to wake me up for school, he would not let her near the bed.


p.s.. We cut across the grave yard feeling much braver with Bimbo, but if a ghost appeared he could not have attacked or bitten the faker.



Edited by oldred58
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