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funny story

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how not to prove a keeper wrong

jigsaw asked for some funny stories heres a quick one


last summer i was making bridges over to the flight ponds with the keeper, these

were for easier feeding- drive to the centre area and cross the burns over the walkways.

they were 2 feet wide 6 feet long with stabilising posts at either side. :D

clients/shooters were taken the scenic route avoiding them for minimum disturbance

to the pond prior to shooting.so only the keeper would use them for feeding or the beaters

for getting to various areas for beating the nearby trees. :D

the final walkway was to be a 12 foot affair .so with the day marching on and wood supply becoming short we threw down a scaffolding plank witch only touched either side and was about 8 inches wide. :blink: obviously the longer the plank, and narrower it is, the more springy it becomes- bit like a diving board! :icon_eek:

i duly passed this information on to the keeper who said" dont talk shit its perfect!" so he walked to the middle and bounced up and down on it there by proving my theory wrong!unfortunately for me i had to cross it to get back to the jeep .i had no way of contacting the health and safety executive either to find out

where i stood legaly! :big_boss: i shouted this to the keeper and asked to use his phone to which i got a reply similar

to the first "dont talk shit its perfect"

"its fckn dodgy " i said :icon_eek:

"its fckn perfect"

"ok fck it!" i said again :icon_eek:

i began to cross the hazard mumbling my protests i knew who would have to use it in the future

i started to say something about the beaters being impatient as fck and that they would try to cross

together and some stupid fcker would be strait in the soooooooooup! :cry:

i think i got the word soup out as i hit the water, the bouncing b*****d of a thing catapaulted me in to the ditch like a rat up a spout!


"i telt ye i fkn telt ye it was fkn dodgy!"

no reply from the keeper!

" hey min i fkn telt ye it was dodgy im fkn soaked"

as i crawled out the ditch the swines rolling on the ground pissing himself :laugh::laugh:

" aye yer fkn right it is dodgy " says the cheeky fckr!!!

needles to say the board is still there and no one else has fallen in ,i have masterd the art of creeping/bouncing/shimmying over the thing and still waiting for the replacement trousers for the ones

i wripped getting out!!!!!!! i dont want to prove him wrong again

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