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Ideal ferreting partner?

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I've used collie x grey's most of my 20+ years at it, great dogs for ferreting imo, I love the steadiness and tractability with them, though I've got a young dog here who's a beddy/bull lurcher thats showing good signs so far.Seen some good beddy/whips over the years, tough little dogs and handy on most land, good coats and good nose's. :thumbs:

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my little kelpie x is spot on but isnt an easy first lurcher as she is highly strung, however if i was to bred her i would consider a useful beddy x grew but i would have to see it work. Idont think you can go wrong with a beddy x pup from working parents

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I rate the bitch ive got here great marking dog then stays out the road till there's a bolt but shes know to give them a bite to make sure there going nowhere but as there for ferret food that dont bother me

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Not stealing thread but how would you go about introducing the dog too the ferrets......anyone had any miss-haps along the way?


best to start with young dogs an young ferrets, but you will break most adults to each other, thing is to get them used to each other then let the dog see that ferret in hole = bunny out of hole, most dogs will click :thumbs:

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Not stealing thread but how would you go about introducing the dog too the ferrets......anyone had any miss-haps along the way?


best to start with young dogs an young ferrets, but you will break most adults to each other, thing is to get them used to each other then let the dog see that ferret in hole = bunny out of hole, most dogs will click :thumbs:


Cheers reddawn

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To be honest mate, i would say a good lurcher to lurcher bred dog, out of two dogs that are doing that kind of work to a high standard would be what you want.


I would suggest a good dash of collie, because to be honest they have the right mind set for ferreting, they have a lot of patience, and they pick it all up very well. They have been by far the best ferreting dogs i have known.


Also you could take such a dog lamping and also it would learn to mark holes. My whippet can.


I think its always best to just look for a very good working bred litter, that leans towards what you need it for (in this case collie), rather than a specific cross.

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