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Something i have noticed. . . .

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I have noticed recently that there is an increasing trend by some folk on here (and they are growing in numbers), to look down on folk that do less than themselves.   Folk hunt in many different way

who cares how you ferret or how many you catch, if you aint enjoying it, why do it, do what you do an enjoy it, life is shit enuff without having to explain yaselfs to fellow hunters   we was out p

Idiatton dont no why bother its onyl rabits no wurth gettin woond up abuot, no erm wait the noo, sport of kings so itis, awe feck am awey oot with young jukel and hard pace running form govarmentpuppe

Guest cookiemonsterandmerlin

My old mam used to say, "it's not always what you say, but how you say it"


My old man used to say its not always what you hear but how you hear it

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If we cant air our views on our styles of hunting whats the point having a section dictated to general ferret' ferretting talk . I aired my views and get bashed yes they maybe strong and some may think its BOLLOCKS but the idear of forum is for us to share our thoughts isnt it . It seems that some members of THL think time and knowlegde means very little. We have all got something to add and gain from sharing all our views and some of them views you may not agree with and some you may agree with. ATB Cookie


Fair enough,, but have you wondered why people have said you come across as belittling and cocky,, is it because you do,,??


Maybe you don`t intend that,, but when so many see it like that, maybe you could re-read some posts and see how you would view it if written by someone else. It`s obvious you now the game, and get results,, well done,, but you really did come across as condecending and belittling when commenting on others posts,, not a great way to keep forum informative and pleasant.


I know you`re main issue was with my comments,, but hey,, like you I say what I think,, maybe I was wrong and came on bit strong,, but why did I take that view,,???



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cookie you said something that ment something time and knowledge , they think its on the end of a computer mouse i know its not by a country mile , but some think they can justa sk on here and you open up and educate the ejits for nothing , a good man always keeps the best for his self

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Ironic really that we have reached this point on this post.


"at leat whin has done it on the big stage in public you got along way to go and maybe never get there, plenty nearly men aboot"


1- At what point did you start talking about yourself in the 3rd person?


2- How long will it take you to realise that not everyone desires to reach your level as a 'super poacher', and that's actually ok, and doesnt make them lesser men in any way.


3 - Honestly - the more you write, the more of a tit you sound. I'm not sure if i have ever met a man with such an self obsessed feeling on his own superiority. O yes, of course, there was plummer!

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If you've been TENarife whines been ELEVENarife.


If you have a cockatoo, he has a cockathree!




speaking about yourself in third person :laugh:


sign of old age :yes:


Could be, but Malt reckons it could also be a telling sign of a split personality disorder.. :blink:

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ye and your the vets best pal at leat whin has done it on the big stage in public you got along way to go and maybe never get there , plenty nearly men aboot lol


Forgive me whin.What is it you did on the big stage in public. ?.Must have been out that day. :thumbs:

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hunting events in public veiw , i like getting youse goingas am quite aprivate guy and shifty for the bad boys whats happend to you catcher all the dog gone now or just a blip till you come round again

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