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Something i have noticed. . . .

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I have noticed recently that there is an increasing trend by some folk on here (and they are growing in numbers), to look down on folk that do less than themselves.   Folk hunt in many different way

who cares how you ferret or how many you catch, if you aint enjoying it, why do it, do what you do an enjoy it, life is shit enuff without having to explain yaselfs to fellow hunters   we was out p

Idiatton dont no why bother its onyl rabits no wurth gettin woond up abuot, no erm wait the noo, sport of kings so itis, awe feck am awey oot with young jukel and hard pace running form govarmentpuppe

Not aimed at you in anyway Brim - i always enjoy your posts!


JB - Aye, i'll let them know, i'm wondering if the lad has got some proper wellies yet? :laugh:

Aye and me because you know I'll not give him any grief about them. :whistling:



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I got sick of hunting last year and took some time out ,thought about selling up and moving on . Now being out with the mutts and getting a couple or ferreting and getting a bagful is enjoyable once again ,but i dont care what anybody thinks about what im up to or my numbers i hunt ,shoot,ferret ,trap and snare for my enjoyment and rexalation and dont give a flying F*ck if anybody looks down there nose at me

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I got sick of hunting last year and took some time out ,thought about selling up and moving on . Now being out with the mutts and getting a couple or ferreting and getting a bagful is enjoyable once again ,but i dont care what anybody thinks about what im up to or my numbers i hunt ,shoot,ferret ,trap and snare for my enjoyment and rexalation and dont give a flying F*ck if anybody looks down there nose at me



thats it mate, if they banned it tomorrow that wouldnt bother me, so why let snidey comments on the tinterweb bother ye :D

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Intresting reading Jai


Yes I know some is aimed at myself you think I talk BOLLOCKS your words not mine.


But I agree with your summary but internet is a free place and some comments I dont agree with and other I do same as any other THL member do I get my knickers in a twist and start PM Mods to complain about certain members comments about myself no I dont .


Just because one shares there views on certain subjects or if they catch good numbers does not mean that they should equally get shouted down either as been the case also on the ferretting section of late.


And if any of you want to judge what sort of person or any other member of THL who you appear to dislike on the basis of there posts them more for you.

As I sure many members are cracking blokes in real life and less face it the shooting hunting crowd are the most jealousy bunch and jealousy breeds hate which can make others bitch and backbite.


ATB Cookie

you keep saying you,re a top bloke in real life but I,ve read a few of your comments now which are very scathing/ critical of other peoples methods,


Practice what you preach my friend :thumbs:


Can you point to post where I say I am a top bloke in real life.


Most think I am marmite you either love me or hate me I deal with it.I dont do sob stories threads on the internet on the subject .


I have never belittled or looked down on others in life be it hunting or day to day things.


ATB Cookie


You have got to be joking ,, right??? Mr I do 3000 rabbits a week,you don`t work real dogs, ,you`s are all shit amatuers you should pack it in, you catch 3 rabbits and waste yer time writing about it, hold on the sunshines melting my toilet !!!!

I thought you`d PM`d the mods and left the site, anyway???

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wouldnt get to upset as kitle says its only a few rabbits , legal qaurry and well if you are not getting paid for it a relaxing day out ,and as for farmers i surrounded by them do i listen what they have to say ,no , i think if you have been doing hunting of allsorts you see lots of mistakes people do and what they type , and there some who can talk it on computers but in the lite of day neve rdone enough to judge coment computers are nothing to do with out in the feilds never wil be there a bit of alaugh if this is wqere i came to gain informaition on hunting i would chuck the towel in,

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Good Post! :thumbs::yes:


I agree when people say "you shouldn’t let it worry you" and I wouldn’t myself, however for some people it may do. Not everyone is the same or has the opportunity to be the same even if they wanted to. I see THL as a helpful and encouraging site where you can learn from and enjoy others experiences, but sometimes, like already stated, it’s becoming more and more often that it’s the complete opposite.

Less hate more love people.




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I've noticed a huge change in here since I've been busy over the Christmas holidays and came back on here a bit. I thought we had the place in order after all that daft EU polecat bollocks that was spamming the section up regular. :( I'm not one for treating folk like kids and dictating what they can or can't say to each other in here, but if the high handed attitude keeps causing friction in here I'll be removing content because it's disheartening to read though a half page of various threads filled with the same arguments and shite.


If any users of this section have any ideas about how to improve things, please let me know so that we can sort it out. If there's a problem I'll try to do my best to sort it out. It's no good just slagging the section off like some certain posts on this thread have. :no: It's only ever going to be as good or bad as it's members.. :thumbs:

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Hit the nail on the head there! I am just happy to be out with me ferrets and my bird. If I catch it's a bonus if I don't but the bird has had some great flights then fantastic day out. I have had big bags and little bags. I'm happy all the same.

People will have their opinions and they may differ but let's all try to put a few more positives in our threads.

I'm not telling anyone to do this it just a suggestion.

Hope you all have a good 2012 what ever size bags you have

All the best

Lee C


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I think ideation just said what a lot of people are thinking that it is a shame that members get slated because they either are new to the sport or don't ferret in a certain way a friend of mine used to use the site but doesn't come on here anymore because he got sick of reading about members trying to put others down

I personaly have been ferreting 33yrs i do and always will ferret the my own way i have helped others in the past and have picked up a lot of usefull tips on the way off others NOBODY knows it all even if some THINK they do if i cant get out ferreting i like to read about others that have been lucky enough to get out regardless to how they did it or how many they got HAPPY HUNTING TO ALL

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aw sounds nice , lol malt whe you get lots of people from diffrent backgrounds some nevr been at the game, some learning, some messing some serous , some done it for to make money you will always get a diffrece in attitude , i mean do you think if what some do in past wink wink you would want to drivel cacthing a few rabbs mate but thats all you can speak about legaly at times unless pre ban or the old days ,an dif you have hunted long before computers and you get pure eejits coming on , the yo look back to how you learned of proper old poachers guys who were switched on some will get a bit funny at times just life nothing personal ,

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Guest cookiemonsterandmerlin

If we cant air our views on our styles of hunting whats the point having a section dictated to general ferret' ferretting talk .

I aired my views and get bashed yes they maybe strong and some may think its BOLLOCKS but the idear of forum is for us to share our thoughts isnt it .

It seems that some members of THL think time and knowlegde means very little.


We have all got something to add and gain from sharing all our views and some of them views you may not agree with and some you may agree with.


ATB Cookie

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