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Something i have noticed. . . .

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I have noticed recently that there is an increasing trend by some folk on here (and they are growing in numbers), to look down on folk that do less than themselves.   Folk hunt in many different way

who cares how you ferret or how many you catch, if you aint enjoying it, why do it, do what you do an enjoy it, life is shit enuff without having to explain yaselfs to fellow hunters   we was out p

Idiatton dont no why bother its onyl rabits no wurth gettin woond up abuot, no erm wait the noo, sport of kings so itis, awe feck am awey oot with young jukel and hard pace running form govarmentpuppe

Years ago i had three freezers,i was using all methods and would average 100 a week, one night with the Keeper he shot 120, I opened the gates and got to keep the rabbits,

now im out once a week, with the ferts, and if i get 6 im happy, these are skinned for the dog and ferts, i think i enjoy it more, bringing on a young pup, and watching this years kits coming on

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  On 07/01/2012 at 17:30, paulus said:
  On 07/01/2012 at 17:28, Simoman said:

Good summary, far too many folk with small genetalia on here (not me, im hung like John Holmes)............

more like kelly holmes :laugh:


Or Eamon Holmes :laugh:

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  On 07/01/2012 at 17:32, Simoman said:
  On 07/01/2012 at 17:30, paulus said:
  On 07/01/2012 at 17:28, Simoman said:

Good summary, far too many folk with small genetalia on here (not me, im hung like John Holmes)............

more like kelly holmes :laugh:


Or Eamon Holmes :laugh:

ok sherlock :laugh:
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just the two rabbits this morning .


Did me and the dog enjoy it.


You bet we did.

No numbers where i hunt just have to work a bit harder to find one


Also you are a lot more switched on when searching for bolt holes and setting nets correctly


God forbid if you miss a rabbit. :cray:

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  On 07/01/2012 at 17:51, Mick C. said:

just the two rabbits this morning .


Did me and the dog enjoy it.


You bet we did.

No numbers where i hunt just have to work a bit harder to find one


Also you are a lot more switched on when searching for bolt holes and setting nets correctly


God forbid if you miss a rabbit. :cray:


That's very true mate, there is an art to scratching up a couple of bunnies when you are out on land which holds no bunnies :thumbs:

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Im here cause i enjoy hunting and hunting life. i dont belittle or slag people because of there way of hunting or how they hunt. I know i can go out (when want to) and go bag a few rabbits. I mainly hunt alone but do on occassion go with a friend who likes to hunt.


But i like reading about other styles of hunting ie: using dogs, fox hunting as ive never done these and i find it a way of extending my knowledge for my own self gain. Everyone on here is here because of hunting. You shoot, you use dogs, you lamp, you decoy but we all hunt.


Anyone that is here to be-little others or slag them off for there style of hunting imho should join mushimonsters. The internet is the biggest encyclopedia at your fingertip and unfortunately you get the internet warriors who try and upset the cart.


Personally im here to learn a skill i love and try to advise, i may be corrected over something but i would like to think that my contributions may help others.

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who cares how you ferret or how many you catch, if you aint enjoying it, why do it, do what you do an enjoy it, life is shit enuff without having to explain yaselfs to fellow hunters :laugh:


we was out pike fishing today an 1 a the guys brought a couple a ferrets an a few purse nets, an when the kids got bored due to the lack of pike action :icon_redface: they went an ferreted a couple a small warrens an got 2 nice healthy bunnys for the ferrets dinner, try telling that 5 year old lad an 5 year old lass that they are only part timers cos they only caught 2 :D

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