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Ive had 2 rats round my chicken shed this week, theres not many there but they still need catching coz i hate them. That was in 2 tunnels made out of the planks that come on some artic trailer sides (just right for mk 4's) with the traps buried under soil level with a fine layer covering them up but now i've got 4 round the shed and one set on a ditch nearby where i commonly see stoats in a natural tunnel so i'll see how i get on this week. I've got 2 more in the car I might set yet too.

I was contemplating setting some in the woods for stoats and greys but i won't risk it with our red squirrels around. Not sure if they go in tunnels though?

Cheers, gnipper

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Anyone know if red squirrels would go in tunnels then?


We don't have reds in our woods so I don't know for certain, but I have a feeling they would be safe. Maybe one of the lakeland trappers or someone from IOW might know as there are good populations there I believe.



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Anyone know if red squirrels would go in tunnels then?


We don't have reds in our woods so I don't know for certain, but I have a feeling they would be safe. Maybe one of the lakeland trappers or someone from IOW might know as there are good populations there I believe.




yes they do go in tunnels, i bought some accidentally trapped reds many years ago off a keeper, he got them off the apprentice he had working for him and told me that if you trap one , you are certain to get another the following day

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Hi gnipper red squirrels will go in to tunnels with fenns in we do not have them around here but im sure you cant use trapping if any red Squirrels around i would check with Defra to cover yourself. http://www.defra.gov.uk/ I dont know if you have tried it but i do a lot of trapping rats what i do is dig a scrape for the fenn to sit in so its ground level in the artificial tunnel then spread peanut butter on the top and a bit on the underneath of the plate and just leave it like that dont cover with earth then cover with artificial tunnel and peg the chain works for me cheers Dowen.

Edited by Dowen Pest Control Solutions
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Its ok i'm not gonna trap in the woods, we've got a fair few reds but i don't wanna have any accidents.

Also i'm not baiting the tunnels with anything I just cover them so you can't see them, had another rat this morning :D I left some of the tunnels un trapped for a while just to get them used to running through them.

Last time i baited one one of the hens decided that it could stretch its neck half way down the tunnel to peck the trap :(

Cheers, gnipper

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You could always use live catch traps in the woods. Then you could release any accidental catches.




However if you do you must check them regularly - it's the law as well as a moral obligation. It's particularly important if you might have caught reds as squirrels don't seem to last long once caught.

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Live catch wouldn't really work round here mate, well they would but only till some little shit nicks it or stamps on it :censored: . If i can find a way of hiding it or lofting it even i might try the one i made as it was free.

Still waiting for a stoat though on my ditch tunnel, i'll get one there though coz i often see stoats there. Does pissing them on the trap really help? I would have thought that when they dump their stink gland when caught would be enough?.

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