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Saluki collie grey

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there you go mate does the lot atb wae yours can be tempremental but in my opinion anything with any intellegance can be

great dogs had a few over the years this is the best one i have had day and night r.h.f.d

Nice is he running well?     EDIT:   I know I keep spewing photo's of my pup on the forums. But here she is again. Saluki Greyhound Collie. On topic at least  

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This is my bitch, saluki/grey x collie/grey. she is 18 months old ad she has been a little late to mature but she is progressing so fast now shes brilliant. She can turn a rabbit inside out. I agree with others in saying not to be heavy handed with them, i could shout at her ad she reacts as if shes just been beat (which i dont do) that dog has never been hit but acts like she gets it all the time lol she seems like such a timid little dog to people but when she sees something moving even if its a bird she as keen as any other dog. She used to be a bit ignorant with her recall but she trained easy enough. Weather she goes on an easy or hard slip she has never packed, and she jumps dykes rather than face planting ;) I honestly believe the collie in any lurcher gives them more brains to do clever things :thumbs:

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