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Losing a ferret whilst out.

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heres the photo's, It was 6 foot down and 6 foot in to the bank, i chose to follow the tube sideways into the bank,, hoping i would get the ferret back if i got close, no chance, in the end, when 3 foot in sideways, i had to knock the top in and start again, Got him out though, and put it back something like afterwards, I cannot see where the dig was now.









Well done mate and a good backfill too. :thumbs:

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Yes mate bang on, nice to get a thread without the bickering but others seeing other peoples ways and not jumping on them for being different in their approach.

I'm very similar in that I have never lost a ferret so far, but as a kid I spent hours someday just waiting and hoping. Sometimes I used a liner, but mostly, just the wait.   Locaters...............

Man after my own heart there rake, they are more than just a ferret, only when you have done a lot of digging to them, then you realise the hazards they face under the sod. Cheers for the honest reply

got plenty more pics of the digs over the last few years, but nothing really challenging, 4-5 foot knockthrough's, just to get the ferret back, but obviously, not able to get the kill. :cray:

one day i'll get challenged and then show folks a proper dig, can see a 10 footer at some point in the future if we keep hitting the slopes and the lowland.

Edited by Brimmer
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We had a eight foot dig to get a jill out in a old railway dug in my son crawled in and opened up as if anything happened i could pull him out by the ankles but he would never be able to pull me out LOL and the jill was sandwiched between two dead rabbits she had killed . That corner of the railway was always a pig to ferret so i filled the burrow back up with stones and put a layer of ash on top so if it happened again i figured it would be easier lifting the stones out

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I normally use a locator, had some deepish digs in my time.. Easy digs...but deepish....


If you remember Brim, I once got a mark at 16 foot in a hillside.... that was a long wait, for that ferret, with the locator and shovel ready.... Sphincta was twitching that day!!

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in a season , iwill go ferreting 4/5 times a week ,in each session i will have at least two digs ,this brings in about ten extra rabbits a week , or around forty rabbits per month ,my season lasts five months,this gives me about two hundred extra rabbits a season ,i think the numbers are low ,but i am trying to show ,how the numbers stack up ,now think , how much time i would have wasted waiting for ferrets ,or digging blind.



















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Had a mate who worked the land fill sites and had his hawk chase a rabbit straight down a hole in a sand bank and the rabbit pulled the bird down. It was late after noon and he gave up digging and went back the next day and got one of the guys from site to dig it out with the jcb to get his transmitter back. He reckons it was about 18ft down and they dug the bird out still alive with the dead rabbit still in it's grasp. I would not recommend using telemetry to track down holes as it is well expensive but worked on this occasion. The bird is now in it's 19th season and still going.

All the best

Lee C

Great pics guys !!

Edited by Lee C
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Had a mate who worked the land fill sites and had his hawk chase a rabbit straight down a hole in a sand bank and the rabbit pulled the bird down. It was late after noon and he gave up digging and went back the next day and got one of the guys from site to dig it out with the jcb to get his transmitter back. He reckons it was about 18ft down and they dug the bird out still alive with the dead rabbit still in it's grasp. I would not recommend using telemetry to track down holes as it is well expensive but worked on this occasion. The bird is now in it's 19th season and still going.

All the best

Lee C

Great pics guys !!


That is an awesome tale! And an awesome bird!

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A bit off subject but he also cault a bream out of a tree with this bird. He would have been puzzled to this had he not seen the fox jump down from the branch he was about to eat his fish on. You can imagin your bird just plucking a large fish from a tree!

I am lucky not to have had such digs as you guys. I try to do shallow, medium deep looking holes as I am after the flight for the bird and then the rabbit !!


Lee C

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