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Beggars dogs

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  On 05/01/2012 at 19:40, riohog said:

re beggers dogs      must have been in the early eightys i think  , my wife had been up to scotland on th train , i went to th station to meet her , took the dog with me  a saluki /grey  she was allways a very fit dog but looked a bag of bones   ,must have been on the platform for about an hour waiting for the train to arrive  , folk kept passing me and saying ahh  poor dog ,,  and gave me loose change for th dog   recon i came off that station with a fiver    haaaaaaaa   :laugh: .



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the salt content will do it no good. out of all the bakers griegs is the worst imo. pies sausage rolls far to much salt. nice gesture all the same. he might have handed the bag to the dogs owner might

not always there fault,circumstances change,loss of a job resulting in loss of your home.no family or friends what can they do? i dunno the exact ins and outs,but not all are conmen,drug addicts or al

well to the comment up the page i think its shocking about how u were going on about single mims not all are the same as my mum works full time 8 till 4 and she makes a lot less that poeple think as t

Hard one really.


On one hand,, some people have serious problems,, My cousin for instance,, a heroin addict,, who begged and busked his way round europe,,!! been to more places than me !!


Others have problems that do cause homelesness, and do need help.. I`m not sure that begging is the answer, but f for whatever reason they can`t get benifits I suppose they have no choice,,


Bear in mind the amount of British Soldiers who live rough through issues related to the life they have had, defending us all,,, tell me they don`t deserve your loose change !!!


On the other hand,, I went to a local rural town , Haddington, the other day, and a guy was begging (outside Greggs actually) IN SPANISH!!! ffs,, how can it be worth the effort to travel across Europe to beg in a wee backwater !????


This is an issue I would look at on an individual basis folks


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well to the comment up the page i think its shocking about how u were going on about single mims not all are the same as my mum works full time 8 till 4 and she makes a lot less that poeple think as they think she works in the school she must have decent wage well i can tell you now she dosnt so she works her arse of to provide for my and my twin and as were at collage she only gets like 50 pound a month for us and shes on 90 pound a week for petrol taking us to out collage bus so i think you should think before you type

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Sitting at Galashiels bus station years ago, sure it was a January I had been down with the dog for a few days and was heading home so I was sat there on my holdall... Baltic so put the cammy jacket on, wee wooly hat, skinny lurcher lying at my feet, cheeky wee 50p lobbed my way, by the time the x95 came I had my bus fare and enough for a chinky when I got back. Great result considering apprentice wages in them days! :laugh:

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  On 05/01/2012 at 22:50, RM2508 said:

Sitting at Galashiels bus station years ago, sure it was a January I had been down with the dog for a few days and was heading home so I was sat there on my holdall... Baltic so put the cammy jacket on, wee wooly hat, skinny lurcher lying at my feet, cheeky wee 50p lobbed my way, by the time the x95 came I had my bus fare and enough for a chinky when I got back. Great result considering apprentice wages in them days! :laugh:


Given that yeh stll look like a tramp,, thurs a career there fur yeh big man !! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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  On 05/01/2012 at 23:01, Rake aboot said:
  On 05/01/2012 at 22:50, RM2508 said:

Sitting at Galashiels bus station years ago, sure it was a January I had been down with the dog for a few days and was heading home so I was sat there on my holdall... Baltic so put the cammy jacket on, wee wooly hat, skinny lurcher lying at my feet, cheeky wee 50p lobbed my way, by the time the x95 came I had my bus fare and enough for a chinky when I got back. Great result considering apprentice wages in them days! :laugh:


Given that yeh stll look like a tramp,, thurs a career there fur yeh big man !! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Designer stubble mate! It's called fashion, and bearing in mind your about 62 and them shiny brogues you own ye ken feck all aboot that!! On a serious note though, aye yer probably right! Lol

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  On 05/01/2012 at 19:29, jackoleeds said:
  On 05/01/2012 at 18:13, littlefish said:
  On 05/01/2012 at 18:06, swagboy said:

there's a block that lives down my road that don't work but gos out and plays the violin in the town for a hour or two and get's £30 to £40 a time and he will admit it as well


Can he play it well? At least he is making some sort of effort to make his money.

i bet he is claiming something the fiddling cnut :whistling:



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Must admit im a soft touch i find it hard to walk passed a white Englishman living rough in the same areas i grew up in......watching foreigners coming out of their houses getting into cars with a full stomach i find hard.......putting a coat on the back of some poor sod in our own neighborhoods i dont find hard at all if we cant look after our own people when we can we,ve got no hope !

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when i was younger 16 -17 i used to work for my older freind handing flyers out for the night club he ran in manchester i used to be at the same spot friday and sataday night a busy corner on portland street rain hail or snow and used to chat to the bag head and his dog who were there begging he had a staff you will be suprised how much they make on a friday and sataday night i used to do a hour in and hour out so seen him all the time and he wuld usualy take 50-80 pound in the hour i was there easy he made good money but once he had enough to score a few of each 50 quid he whuld be gone and never stayed longer to get more amoung the smackheads there is rules to who begs on certian corners in town i used to enjoy talkin to him funni guy his dog was in top condition as good as any i seen working or pett proberly from all the moochin lookin to score he even bought me a hotdog once

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  On 05/01/2012 at 17:37, Simoman said:
  On 05/01/2012 at 17:16, blan89 said:

if you're homeless now in this country it's your own fault.


no 2 ways about it.


I disagree, at one point i was out of work and went to citizens advice, and spoke to the benefits people, despite having no savings, young children and bills i was told it would take 18 weeks for the benefits to kick in, i was entitled to a 25% reduction on my council tax and a job seekers claim of £67.50, what f*****g use was that after 20 odd years of paying tax and national insurance contributions. How can £67.50 pay for a families food/mortgage/gas/electric/water rates/tv licence/house insurance/car insurance/food etc etc...... Simple answer is it can't, we could of easily found ourselves on the street, unfortunately in this country you only get benefits if you have paid feck all into the system and play the discrimination card..............


So i do feel sorry for SOME of the poor buggers living on the street, there is no doubt SOME are there as they have mental health issues, problems or have fallen upon shit times, not all are freeloaders. Perhaps if our government cared more about the problems on these shores and less about whats going on in other countries we would have hundreds of billions to get our own ship in order.........


In this country you only get benefits if you have paid feck all into the system and play the discrimination card..............


I agree with this 100% - I am 47, left school at 16 and have been self employed for all my working life apart from around 5 years...so around 25 years fending for myself and my family and never claiming a penny in benefits. I'm due to have my shoulder operated on in February and I'm seriously considering cancelling it. I'll be off for 12 - 16 weeks and at the minute I am busy and have a lot of work. If I can't work I don't earn. And in this present financial climate I am lucky to have work. I will get f**k all when I'm off - yeah I've paid in but apparently I get nothing out. Might just say I'm depressed, anxious, have a drink problem and am fed up to the back teeth with being a man...and I bet I'll get something then...

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AS above,, in nottingham working doors,, we had one outside our club, only difrence was he stayed there all night,,, around £200 he made on a sat night....


its sad though that in this modern world there is still a homless problem

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