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Blackstaff, tyla, waterbadger, herdeick etc etc update on yeeharrs pup for you ;)

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Right lads.


Been a while since we have all see each other and had a look out. So i thought id do a little update on yeeharr's pup we have been working on. For you to see... As well as everyone else.

Nearly 10 months and as you can see hes a big dog. Lovely natured and good on the lead. Nice broken coat on him.

He hasnt seen much, came ferreting with us, as well as fishing and out with the cattys and shotguns/rifles.

He retreves shot game for us and when the sqizzers are knocked from the trees with the cattys, hes a little devil on then! He cant get enough of them, even marks trees for us haha.

He wont touch feather tho at the moment?? So retreving pigeons etc is done with us but hes always there with us rough shooting etc.

Starting to switch on now aswell.

So lads...........



From this



To this



To this...............



Him retreiveing a shot bunny



So there you have him lads! Hope you like!


See ya all soon!........... GAYS ;)

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Blackstaff il ignore that comment as i know you like taking young lads (like my self) into woods too go 'ferreting' lol

Id like to see him over aces when hes older ;)


Hes a good dog so far, yeeharr recons nothing major untill about 2 years?!?

Really cant wait to see him work!!


I know yeeharr wants to get him out doing some more ferretig to watch how its done. A bit of life experiance if you will.


How are all your lot doing boys?


Johnny boy

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Whin - I think he means before he gives him anything gruelling, not that he'll do nothing til hes two. Hes already out mooching, ferreting, shooting etc. Pretty sure you've said before you dont like them doing too much too young in the past? Theres plenty he can learn without being over worked young?

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He's 5/8 greyhound x 3/8 deerhound, Doxhope lines.

Whin, I thought you'd done and heard everything. Running dogs at 6 months ain't what I'm about. Anyone who runs deerhound types knows that they take a while to mature. My best foxing dog back in the day was a first cross dh x gh, I got him from a travelling boy who didn't want him because he jacked on a hare, he was 11 months old!!! My dogs have a chance to be puppies before they're put to hard work, their bones and muscles grow properly and you get to see what the dog is made of. He's killed a few squirrels, he's been broken to stock, he's been out lamping with the rifle, picking up shot bunnies in the beam, he's been pigeon shooting, he's quartered the field in front of me putting up pheasants for my shotgun, he's been ferreting, he's even been fishing. How much more should I do with him? He'll get going on the lamp for bunnies in the next couple of months. Anything bigger will wait until he's proved himself as steady and that could take up to 2 years for a bigger dog. As a bloke who's done so much with so many different dogs, I thought you'd have known the best way forward, or are you one of those that moved them on at 9 months if they ain't up to standard? Many a good dog has been passed on before they get a chance to show what they're made of.


I'll do it my way and you keep your advice for the real youngsters, newbies and Google hunters.

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