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work doing my head in

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getting fed up with my job.stuck in a factory for 12 hours at a time and it is pissing me off after 12 years.problem is i get loads of time off to do my thing and spend loads of time with my family.get 16 days amonth off which is great in winter to get out with hounds and my terriers and brilliant in the summer playing with the kids and getting away in the van .thing is i hate being stuck in doors.. after all this time.what would you do in my situation.just like to here your views.cheers mouse.

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Guest Macnas

You've lots of time for your family and your sport, if you think about it and find that it balances out even with your job, then put up with it.


I'd have a hard time getting a job as good as the one I have, so I stick with it. I've gone beyond the "I'm sick of it" phase, now I just get my day done and feck off home as soon as the whistle blows.

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worked on the chunnel sizwell b big construct jobs , inthe eighties early ninties as a carpenter , but work for my self now for years ill never go back to 12 hour shifts done it in cold ,rain , wind ,now work freelance as a site manager and have a lobster boat cum angling boat plus hunt as much as i can , i liked the big sites miss abit of the crack but it was long hours good pay but not much hunting , well i did hunt but were and when were now every day or night if i want to . its good you get time of , summer i work hard and play hard , come winter hunt and anjoy my self all the best your job doesnt seem that bad

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worked on the chunnel sizwell b big construct jobs , inthe eighties early ninties as a carpenter , but work for my self now for years ill never go back to 12 hour shifts done it in cold ,rain , wind ,now work freelance as a site manager and have a lobster boat cum angling boat plus hunt as much as i can , i liked the big sites miss abit of the crack but it was long hours good pay but not much hunting , well i did hunt but were and when were now every day or night if i want to . its good you get time of , summer i work hard and play hard , come winter hunt and anjoy my self all the best your job doesnt seem that bad



Good call here :yes:, there comes a time when it is only YOU who can call it :yes: . When I was in full time employment, once I'd had enough, that was it, "lick 'em and stick 'em!". I was gone.

These days after being "retired" after an industrial incident (for want of a better word), I work for nobody but me. I also work hard and play hard as and when it suits me and mine.............Al :victory:

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ye twelve hours in a factory would do my head in but ,16 days a month of not bad , i would if i didnt have a trade or other skills maybe stick it , but me i like the wind or sun on my back evn tho ive had some rough winters working nite shifts on sellafeild torness etc etc very cold .hopefully ill never go back to wimpeys mcalpines or john laings even tho they paid well they want youre body 12 hours a day and youve got a sunday of no good , and when i wa sworking down south three weeks on and along weekend off but money was my goal still is but a bit older and smarter ,

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