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Mine does that chaps the door and stuff on the way by i have caught her at it a few times of late phoned the cops and they have now said if she does it again she will be arrested lol.So all her complaints mean f**k all now.She also poisoned a cat of mine so thats far from over.i got vet referances and other neighbours to phone housing and tell them ym dogs dont really make noise.Storm doesnt bark for starters flint only does it if the door get rattled and dount barks once whinges a bit then does a wee dance lol.Local authority mate im afraid is the only way around this to prove on record so to speak shes a lunatic and talks pish then no matter what the complaint theyre not interested and you can have some fun

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Rather than killing her cats and lowering yourself to her standards, I'd suggest you call the local police station and calmly report her aggravating behaviour. Tell them the situation is somewhat inf

classing somebody as a peado is to far imo.

Yeh thats just nasty spineless behaviour specially if you kids were out there as well.   Complain to the police she was throwing stuff at your kids, that should shut her up

They have bones ! Knuckles/ shins ! They don't just bark as I've bark collars to teach any that start its not the way ! I was annoyed as someone is purposely winding them up ! Generally very well behaved !

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different thing but i had tons of shit from my neighbour ( hes a grass ) so ithought i would play him at his own game so made about 50 complaints about his behaviour . usually dont like the old bill but must say quite satisfying listening to him cry when he got his summons for eviction . we put a note in corner shop inviting all to come and watch the eviction ,i think this made him cross but not as cross as the hundreds of leaflets on homelessness that have been sent to him if i was on the internet i would have sent these ... oh hold on. so my message was make tons of complaints eventually it works ( and its funny as fcuk when the shti hits the fan for them)

Edited by henarchchar
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neighbours kid was a f****r for throwing stones at my dogs, he would stand in my front garden throwing them through the gate.

he didnt like it when i stood my side of the fence and tipped a bucket of water over. he didnt bother me again for over 2yrs :laugh:


yeh, i know its kinda evil :diablo: but. they are like evil dwarves that whinge a lot.

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neighbours kid was a f****r for throwing stones at my dogs, he would stand in my front garden throwing them through the gate.

he didnt like it when i stood my side of the fence and tipped a bucket of water over. he didnt bother me again for over 2yrs :laugh:


yeh, i know its kinda evil :diablo: but. they are like evil dwarves that whinge a lot.


Did he start again after that time?

If he did I hope you swapped the water for piss :yes::laugh:

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id put up a hidding camera and catch her in the act. it would be prove for the ispca and the guards. that would put and end ta her blaguarding. you could even put in a complaint for harassment then , just ta piss her off

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unless you put signs up telling her she is been filmed you will be leaving yourself wide open for prosecution


care to elaborate on that hull????


its my understanding of law that we can all film anything ,, hence tv news crews,,folk using cameras mobiles in public to film things,,, and of course all the undercover filming for private prosacution of criminal activity,, and not just by police, but by normal folk,,,


im shure most folk on here have seen clips on tv news,,, where a problem naighbour, had been filmed and prosacuted for it......

in fact im shure you will all remember the woman and the cat in a wheele bin

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