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My MK70 doesn't have an auto safty apparently??

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This is driving me bloody nuts!


I bought a new MK70 this year. From the first time I used it the gun would always return the auto to safe after both barrels had been fired and the gun opened. So to make it clear it I would fire the first barrel then the second, then I open the gun to eject the cartridges and the safety clicks on automatically. "Fair enough" I thought it must have come fitted with the auto safty even though the gun shop said it wasn't.


I shot with it frequenty for a few months then one day had some problems when the gun wouldn't fire. I mucked about with the barrel selector and got it working but took it straight to the shop. The gave it a good clean and said it was very dry inside. I used it only a couple of times after that but then had that problem again where the gun suddenly wouldn't fire and I had to mess around with the barrel selector...it would fire the top barrel and then the bottom one but not the other way around. I also noticed that the 'auto safety' didn't seem to work anymore.


I took the gun back once again and told them I wanted the auto safety removing as I thought it might be causing the problem. When I rang the shop a week later they seemed very confused! They asked me again what I wanted and I repeated that I wanted it taking off, they replied that they'd stripped the gun down and that there was NO auto safety fitted!


Now it's been back to the shop twice and after taking it out again today I find once again that when I fire both barrels and open the gun to eject the cartridges SOMETIMES the satey flicks on but not 100% of the time.


I am now completely and utterly p**sed off about this!! I don't blame the gunshop I know them and they are good guys but what the hell is going on?


I am now going to send the pile of **** back to Miroku but quite honestly it's ruined what little of the season I've got and several days out on the clays. It's hard to concentrate on the clay if you don't know what is going to happen when you pull the trigger.



Does anyone have a clue what might be the problem?





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I tried a similar post on PW and didn't get any replies either....maybe I write gibberish.


If any people who understand about inner workings of a gun have any thoughts on this I really would be appreciative!


I know I should have sent it straight back but I didn't want to be without my gun during the winter as I was hoping to get out on some rough shooting.


Even my gunsmith gave me a funny smile and suggested that maybe I was accidentally clicking it back on to safe which is definitely not the case.

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