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hello all my grandad yoused to take his greyhounds swimming to a place his friend owns. i was told it realy helps fitten them up and makes/helps them breath better??? just wundering if it would be worth taking the lurchers? the get walked every day and are lamping two or three times a week so they get a lot of exersise. wat are your thaught on this??? atb fm :thumbs:

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A bit of swimming now and then is fantastic for everyone, man & beast. It's great for both fitness & re-hab. If you have the chance of a pool then snatch it up, I would! More so in the summer months though. ;)

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I suppose it all depends on how often someone works there dog(s) and for how long each night? If someone takes there dog out for an hour once a week then there's plenty of room for things like swimming and other fitness regimes. But if someone has got their dog out for hours on end, 3 times a week or more, then the dog could probably do with the days it has off resting.


I'm no expert on dog fitness but just a thought like?

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