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.22 shotgun......

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Has anyone ever used one?



Im struggling to understand what a .22 cartridge would look like, Ive google imaged .22 shotgun cartridge and cant see anything apart from the usual 9mm garden gun rounds.



Heres a link to afore mentioned .22 shotgun:





Theres only 4 on the whole of guntrader so im guessing they're really unpopular due to being rubbish??

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your not even going to kill a rat with a 22 shotgun unless very close , they will fire 22lr rounds but you wont hit anything with it as its a smooth bore and the bullet head just flips over through the air and makes a funny noise when flying

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So in a nutshell, they're wank

pritty much :laugh: what happened was when the firearms act came in and everyone had to have a ticket and prove their need to own a 22 rifle, someone came up with the idea of smooth boring the 22 rifle barrels so they could be kept as shotguns hence the 22 shotgun :thumbs:
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My uncle used a 22 shotshell like that to kill mice indoors at his house in North Wales. I never asked if the gun was somooth-bore, but it must have been, because it did hit mice and was very effective. He lived alone at the time, but still I thought it was odd being able to safely fire any gun indoors.

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