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how long would you leave em

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  On 04/01/2012 at 10:41, FightTheBan said:

The exception also being if you have dug the spot before and know it is a stop end, then there is no reason to wait.




so because its been dug before in a stop end, means there is no reason to wait, its still a stop end, is that what your implying ? dont be putting up posts that young members might read and think what your putting up is correct, you better off adding the words " IN YOUR OPINION " to that post above. well i am off digging now talk later.

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  On 04/01/2012 at 11:03, THE DEALER! said:
  On 04/01/2012 at 10:41, FightTheBan said:

The exception also being if you have dug the spot before and know it is a stop end, then there is no reason to wait.




so because its been dug before in a stop end, means there is no reason to wait, its still a stop end, is that what your implying ? dont be putting up posts that young members might read and think what your putting up is correct, you better off adding the words " IN YOUR OPINION " to that post above. well i am off digging now talk later.


Yes that is what im implying. Dont nit pick pal it's not big smart or clever, and Im not interested in bickerinng.

Good luck.



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  On 04/01/2012 at 11:54, northern terrierwork said:

i dont think its a case of how long you should wait surely its a case of nowing the dog is in a place were he and de will not be changeing position as you are half way through your work this can make your mood change..

i always give the ground a couple of slaps wit the spade wait a minit and if there still there start digging
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Guest busterdog
  On 04/01/2012 at 17:35, liamdelaney said:

If you are digging by yourself you can take your time,if you have an audience dig like f**k in case the b*****d comes out.!!!


At least you've got your sense of humour Liam, made me laugh lol.

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Guest dee mac

with young dogs i think its important too get too them as soon as you can when there starting out tho i ve seen us having too wait as it was obvious that they were trying too finish there new found friend as soon as they met it ie mid tube so waited too they stopped toing and frowing then down you go as for the older dogs we know there work styles they ll make contact give it a bit of a rattle if its in a stop they ll ease off and crack up baying if not they ll rattle round the earth but once there baying and mixing steady then thats usually enough give it ten mins or so and tap down as for time in the ground our dogs are regularly dug 2 3 or even four time s in the one day and 3 out of 4 young dogs this season have been dug twice in the one day i think its more about knowing your dogs and giving them plenty of chance s too work but i agree with the point that the new collars and boxes mean that the dogs are usually found and dug that bit quicker than the old days but then again there s more testing places dug too the dogs of today as years ago these places were avoided as they were near impossible too dig with the old shitty grey knocking boxes.imo

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