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Better air rifle

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Hi guys , I have an aas510 and was thinking of changing to an hw100, do you think the hw100 is a better gun or should I stick to the aas510, as I'm a wee short guy I find the aas510 to be a bit long for my wee short arms and think maybe the hw100 would suit better ?? Any suggestions, critisms offers of swaps are welcome



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The Heavy Weight 100 is indeed a great gun :yes:


If you are a fully paid up member of the noodle arm club (Forum Joke) the Heavy Weight may not be for you.

If you have very short arms, the S200 is a nice choice :yes: I wouldn't say I have short arms but it fit's me well.



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Mrs Mole was in a similar quandry and jumped to the dark side, she then tried an AA S510, she is glad she went HW! They are not that heavy, especially the carbines!


I am a third darkside, Mrs Mole has gone the whole hog, HW100 KT in .177 and .22 and an HW95 in .177!

Edited by secretagentmole
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I wouldnt say one rifle is better than the other really (AAS510 or HW100), it just depends on what you like more and what feels better to you.


Both these rifles will out shoot your own shooting ability if matched with the correct pellet.


Ive owned a HW100KT, HW100T and a HW100S and all are very nice rifles but if i could have one it would be a HW100KT in .22 for hunting as it felt very well balanced and not too heavy with about 60 or 70 full power shots if i remember rightly.


If your thinking about doing alot of lamping or HFT then i would opt for .177 calibre to give you the best fighting chance.



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