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another knee jerk reaction to gun ownership

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just been watching the news about the shooting in peterlee, the usual the law needs tightening, guns need banning reaction you get from the press after a firearm incident. from what i can make out the man legally owned 6 firearms/shotguns, 3 years ago the police were told he was suffering from depression yet his licenses we not revoked. we already have some of the most stringent firearms laws in the world we dont need anymore, the ones weve allready got need standardising between all the police forces and enforcing.


its just been released he was another taxi driver :icon_eek:

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you can't legislate for kunts

Thats rediculous. No one is cleaner than clean. Every one makes mistakes. Guns arnt something to be scared of. Granted they can be dangerous but they arnt something to be feared. There a tool like any

They did discuss that at the last review but then you've got the GPs who don't want to have the buck passed on to their lap. There is no crystal ball and no way of predicting these events, either they

on the same news bulletin, there was a report of a woman killed, and another wounded (i think) in a stabbing incident. not one mention of that being discussed in parliament. No mentioning of tightening up laws on the purchase of kitchen knives. The anti gun lobby will be at this like a dog eating beetroot. You cannot legislate for those rare nutters.


If you criminalize guns. Only criminals will have guns. And that to me is a very scary situation

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well obviously these nutters have a slate loose. dont blame the press. i know we have stringent gun laws,but if a man suffers from deep depression he shouldnt be allowed access to fire arms. its common sense drs should know if thier patients are gun owners imo. so they make a judgement whether to alert the police of a potentially unstable person. yes i know some of you think its hard on you as it is,but lets be honest here it can only be beneficial to you shooters if all is done to stop incidents like this. also and the most important factor of all.no innocent person gets blown away cause some mental case decides he is depressed. i know its hard to determine whether some one is sound in the head or not,but there are tell tale signs,and who better to pick up on that than a gp. if the person goes to a dr that is.

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You should be cleaner than clean , stringient checks goind back to adolecence with the police and your doctors , any misdorminors and No Gun licence , simple,

If granted a gun licence any misdorminors whatso ever and licence revoked forever.

FACS should be more stringent still, some type of accreditation course to be passed then proof of substantial permission before being granted.

To many idiots getting granted licences imo.


Thats rediculous. No one is cleaner than clean. Every one makes mistakes. Guns arnt something to be scared of. Granted they can be dangerous but they arnt something to be feared. There a tool like anything else. Like a kitchen knife, like a car ... need i go on? More death and injury is caused by both of those than guns but it would be insane to ban cars or knives ...


Fieldsports need new blood coming in all the time other wise theyl be gone. Guns are a massive part of this so obviously we need to be getting more people involved with them than less.

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yea but i wouldnt be wishing for guns to be handed out willy nilly just to bolster your sport. yes knifes can kill,however you only need to look at the last few gun nuts to see that they wouldnt have had the bottle or the means to kill as many as they did with a blade. stabbing someone is a pretty personal way of killing someone,a cowardly person may think twice about that,also you wouldnt be as quick to try and disarm someone with a gun. yes its tragic and i feel for shooters,but there folk with guns that really not to have them. wont be the last time this will happen thats for sure. maybe shooters should form an action group to adress the issue with the cops.instead of just moaning about being persecuted. people were killed of course its gonna be debated in the lobbies of power and the press. i for one was glad to see a ban on handguns after dunblane.in fact i was shocked that the ordinary joe bloggs on the street could have such easy access to them,when our own cops dont have the authority to carry or keep them.

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also imo the only time shooters crave solidatary from the hunting community,is when some lame brain goes on a rampage with a legally held gun. some not all didnt show the same vigour when the dog ban was intoduced. just deal with it in your own way same as we had to.

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yea but i wouldnt be wishing for guns to be handed out willy nilly just to bolster your sport. yes knifes can kill,however you only need to look at the last few gun nuts to see that they wouldnt have had the bottle or the means to kill as many as they did with a blade. stabbing someone is a pretty personal way of killing someone,a cowardly person may think twice about that,also you wouldnt be as quick to try and disarm someone with a gun. yes its tragic and i feel for shooters,but there folk with guns that really not to have them. wont be the last time this will happen thats for sure. maybe shooters should form an action group to adress the issue with the cops.instead of just moaning about being persecuted. people were killed of course its gonna be debated in the lobbies of power and the press. i for one was glad to see a ban on handguns after dunblane.in fact i was shocked that the ordinary joe bloggs on the street could have such easy access to them,when our own cops dont have the authority to carry or keep them.


Yeh we've got this already BASC is supposed to make themselves available to the media at times like this. Strangely I saw a Countryside Alliance quote on the BBC website but nothing from BASC. The have been quoted in other media sources such as the daily mail.


In the end it will be impossible to prevent certain people going psycho, there is no kind of test that would spot something like this I imagine their doctors would not have been aware that something was going wrong in their heads...otherwise surely they'd have been sectioned!


In the case of Derick Bird and I imagine this one there will have been a multitude of issues simmering away under the surface and instead of visiting a doctor or mental health worker they let it fester, and even then most people with problems don't turn to murder to fix their problems. They can put more legislation in place and make life even more difficult for us shooters but still there will always be cases that slip through the cracks.

Edited by Nik_B
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yea but i wouldnt be wishing for guns to be handed out willy nilly just to bolster your sport. yes knifes can kill,however you only need to look at the last few gun nuts to see that they wouldnt have had the bottle or the means to kill as many as they did with a blade. stabbing someone is a pretty personal way of killing someone,a cowardly person may think twice about that,also you wouldnt be as quick to try and disarm someone with a gun. yes its tragic and i feel for shooters,but there folk with guns that really not to have them. wont be the last time this will happen thats for sure. maybe shooters should form an action group to adress the issue with the cops.instead of just moaning about being persecuted. people were killed of course its gonna be debated in the lobbies of power and the press. i for one was glad to see a ban on handguns after dunblane.in fact i was shocked that the ordinary joe bloggs on the street could have such easy access to them,when our own cops dont have the authority to carry or keep them.


Its not my sport. My sport is running dogs and as oftern as i can hounds. Why were you glad that handguns were banned? You think if handguns were banned at the time he wouldnt have done it with a shotgun? Lunatics are goin to kill people no matter what. You cant ban legitimate pass times because some nutter uses it as a method of killing people ...




have a look at that and see if you now think cars should be banned ...


Its a shame people still havnt learnt that unless the fieldsports comunity stands together and fights for others rights then we all, loose them all.


Again im not involved with shooting at all but wasnt it BASC that got the terrierwork exemption in the Hunting ban?

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i was glad cause i dont think anyone shold have handguns in there home. its just my opinion. dont feel that way about shotguns or rifles. also i think the comparrison between guns and cars is bollocks. no harm in standing together,as long as we dont get to blinkered.

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Im an idiot ... ok then what ever you want big lad.


Maybe police should enforce the current rules instead of muppets like you make rubbish up on the spot ...



Everyones entitled to an opinion. But why shouldnt people have handguns? Because you dont like them isnt in my opinion a valid reason. Its some ones opinion that it was cruel to run foxes ... doesnt make it right.

The harm is not standing together. I know shooters who went on the marches. I know a f**k load of lurchermen who cant be arsed peeling themselves off there sweaty couch other than to go out for a shine or collect their dole. Its swings and round abouts. Shooters didnt turn out massivley for the rallys but then again we didnt all help our selves did we?

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