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Hunting accident **Dont open if eating youve been warned**

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I thought id just add this as a reminder to people that air rifles can be dangerous when people get careless, This happened to me about 1 and a half years ago now me and the better halfs uncle was out on a normal nights lamping on his farm shoot, We had been walking about for a good 3 hours and had a couple rabbits each so we decided to sit down and get the flask out. We had a good half hour just sat chatting then we heard the squeak of a rabbit in the distance (too far to lamp) so i jumped up and said come on we will go have a look thinking someone else might be on the shoot, As i was just about to walk off i felt a thump in the back of my knee took me straight down on one knee i span round and the uncle said oh s**t, as he had stood up his lamp wire had looped round his trigger and pulled it shooting me from about 4 foot away, As soon as i clicked on what had happened i felt the blood running down my leg with a burning pain trouses came down quicktime to find blood squirting from the back of my knee, The uncle started to panic and before i knew it he had his knife out cutting my trouses to make some sort of bandage to try and stop the bleeding. As soon as we had it tied up he grabbed all the guns and kit and i said just go fetch the truck which was about third of a mile away and ill walk best i can and off he was like lightning across the field and in minutes i could see the headlights of the freelander bouncing across the field flatout, jumped in then straight to hospital which was only about 7 mile away. As i hobbled into A n E i told the woman at the desk id been shot she about fell over she jumped up that fast and in minutes i was wheeled round into xray,(the rifle was a rapid mk 2 17 i forgot to say doin 11.7 non fac) The pellet a bisley magnum .177 had entered my leg right in the joint of my knee between my leg bones through the cartlidge and stopped at the back of my knee cap, The doctor came in just after the xray and said your very lucky a couple of mm to the right it would have ruptured my main arttery and that i was being taken straight into theatre to remove it. After a 4 days in hospital the doctor came to check his handy work, after they removed the bandage i looked down and saw the wound i nearly hit the doc i turned to him and said did you try and cut my leg off or something! i wasnt happy look at the pic thats 3 weeks after the accident just before the stitches came out. Even now when its cold i still get pains in my knee and lost the feeling in half my foot and the uncle still apologises everytime we see each other. So if you have read this thankyou and be carefull because i wouldnt wish my experience on any one

ATB Brent





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People do not realise that an air rifle will kill! Not just little fluffy animals either! Trouble is if you need to repair the damage quickly keyhole is not always an option! At least you lived, when I hunt with the wife I always have the safety on until I am ready to fire at quarry, ooh if I shot her I would get it in the neck, probably a full magazine...

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i now what its like shot my self in the hand when i was cleaning the guns down one left in the chamber spent 3and a half hours in theater and ( i no lads iv already had all the stick for it off you lot ) we all make mistakes some more stupped than others atb mac

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fook me i ripped me arm out the scocket at 8000 feet skydiveing and had to have it rebuilt,,,,have hardley any scars to sho for that. .177 an you get that....who's ya doc...just so i no never to go to him.....


hope you well on the mend tho mate,,,,as the lads say...gun saftey.

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  On 04/01/2012 at 00:17, rossy08 said:

fook me i ripped me arm out the scocket at 8000 feet skydiveing and had to have it rebuilt,,,,have hardley any scars to sho for that. .177 an you get that....who's ya doc...just so i no never to go to him.....


hope you well on the mend tho mate,,,,as the lads say...gun saftey.


It was in kingsmill hospital mansfield mate I was fuming when i saw it for the 1st time! The doc said he had to do it like that to get round all the ligaments and my attery it dont look nowhere near as bad now just gets abit stiff in cold

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