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1st of 2012

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Because it was our last day of freedom today (back to work tomorrow) me and Lamp's had a day out with the dog's and Fert's. It was pissing down when I came down stair's this morning but luckily by the time we had reached the patch that we had in mind today the rain cloud's had cleared and it was lovely clear morning :D

We was to do a couple of warren's bordering some Wheat field's, then onto a small hedge that run's alongside a couple of horse paddock's, then finally a mooch around a rough / setaside field that now had 1/2 dozen small black Dexter cattle in. So you can say it was abit varied the land today . Apart from the odd stopnet, we were to give the dog's a little sport

1st warren of the morning . . . Jewell waiting on


You will have to excuse the next few pic's, only had the small standard lense on today. Get on Fat Arse :D


Turned away from the hedge and into the field . . .


Surely that can't get away ? ?

Good gal . . . .


But has she struck at it she screamed in agony as she tweeked her left wrist, the same one that she knocked a little last week. A little rub from the magic hand's and she wasn't to bad

Nicely balanced . . .


Not long after Miley was on the Scoresheet . . .


Moved down onto the paddock's then and picked another couple toward's the bag . . .


Got this one just before the stopnet, Unfortunately suffering from Myxi


After a quick pitstop for refreshment's (youve got to keep fed and watered you know while out with the Fert's) We moved on down to the rough field . . .


Within second's of entering the field Jewell was stood marking a rabbit under a bramble patch, I gave it a few tap's with the old size 10 and a rabbit imeadiatley left it's cosy lie up, but it just managed to give the dog's the slip after a short dash. One or two of the hole's on a few warren's in this field have been trampled in by the Mini cattle as we found out when we Re-opened up one of the hole's with the spade after the ferret had one stopped up, only a matter of a few inches down :D Naturally I "DUG" to this one.

The dog's waiting for a bolt on the next warren . . .



I like this next pic, Rabbit picked up by Miley after a short run by both dog's, But no Jealously


On moving down the field, letting the dog's hunt up away in front. Jewell was dancing around another good patch of Briar's and then froze tail in the air, marking another rabbit . . .


Out with the size 10's again and with abit of "Shushing" Miley made the catch . . .



Bloody Hell . . . It's took longer to do this than it took to catch the Fecker's. Ended the morning with a Ferreter's dozen "13"


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