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Posted Today, 05:04 PM

Hi guys , I've been reading requests for shooting permission and really surprised at some comments, I personally have been door knocking looking for permission but finding it increasingly difficult to obtain permission, this said I do understand the aprehension of land owners who don't know you personally, I'm not exactly a young guy , I don't look /act one bit dodgy , i am quite respectabile well mannered and sensible with a good job and still struggling to get somewhere, it is very disheartening when you receive a "" no sorry "" , so to hear comments like "" go knock on doors like the rest of us """ is very frustrating.

Do we not think that as forum users we are all here for the same thing , interested in the sport and not just some mindless hooligans looking for somewhere to shoot anything that moves and bring bottles of buck fast and a load of friends with us,

I would love to get the opportunity from a farmer / landowner to prove that there really are decent people out here who are genuine and can respect whatever a land owner says that you can and cannot do on their land, I've even offered my services as a joiner / site agent to land owners if they require help in any way in return for the opportunity to shoot on there land, but they are still apprehensive , again I don't blame them , so guys spare a thought for people like myself who door knock and still struggle, also to any land owners / farmers in and around the Glasgow / south Lanarkshire and beyond areas, I would be grateful for an opportunity to shoot my pcp on your land and show you there are still respectful people out here.

Many thanks to all who read and understand


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DO people still think that this is a farmers or landowners site ?


You would be suprised :yes:


If it wasn't for this site I would be at least one permission down! Land owners and tennant's do read this forum :yes:


Scorpion1411; if I were religious I would say "Amen to that"!

It is hard trying to get permission, but "Eventually" you will get there, I have a very strong fear (as do most) of rejection and have found that rather than knocking on door's, a short to the point letter is more helpful.

Doing it this way I don't get the "P!ss off" or "Not a chance", rarely will the person apply, so their name address goes back into the list for another day.

The chances are, that if they do reply, it's a "Yes".

My second permission (1st actual written permission) was via email, although I'd long since forgotten about it as it arrived about six months after I first sent the contact email.

About a year after that I had someone come to me while I was knocking over bunnies, this led to an instant permision and a few days later led to yet another.

So get yourself a letter sorted, print off a few and send them to the destination (Stamps and self addressed envelopes are far cheaper than petrol/diesel).



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Posted Today, 05:04 PM

Hi guys , I've been reading requests for shooting permission and really surprised at some comments, I personally have been door knocking looking for permission but finding it increasingly difficult to obtain permission, this said I do understand the aprehension of land owners who don't know you personally, I'm not exactly a young guy , I don't look /act one bit dodgy , i am quite respectabile well mannered and sensible with a good job and still struggling to get somewhere, it is very disheartening when you receive a "" no sorry "" , so to hear comments like "" go knock on doors like the rest of us """ is very frustrating.

Do we not think that as forum users we are all here for the same thing , interested in the sport and not just some mindless hooligans looking for somewhere to shoot anything that moves and bring bottles of buck fast and a load of friends with us,

I would love to get the opportunity from a farmer / landowner to prove that there really are decent people out here who are genuine and can respect whatever a land owner says that you can and cannot do on their land, I've even offered my services as a joiner / site agent to land owners if they require help in any way in return for the opportunity to shoot on there land, but they are still apprehensive , again I don't blame them , so guys spare a thought for people like myself who door knock and still struggle, also to any land owners / farmers in and around the Glasgow / south Lanarkshire and beyond areas, I would be grateful for an opportunity to shoot my pcp on your land and show you there are still respectful people out here.

Many thanks to all who read and understand








have you sent any lettrs out?


if you need a permission paper then PM me and I can help :thumbs:


first of all is get some shooting insurance!

get copy's of them and send them,with a stamped address envelope to places below in your area



also its just not farmers.


try these places


horse paddocks,


football grounds,

rugby grounds,

industrial estates,

business parks,

golf courses,


manor houses,

country clubs,

riding shcools,






if all else fails then check out the shared permission on here.if that still fails, then you will have to get knocking on more doors,but you will get there in the end!



hope this helps!





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Deja vou !! hahahaha come now,, we had all this last night,, and now I`m "frustrating" hahahahahaha




ATB getting permission,,


Lol mate , have I upset you in some way or have I picked this up wrong , hopefully I have as it wasn't my intention to annoy anyone ,


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Good lord no !! hahahahaha I`m just joshing mate,, I`m usually under too much of a cider buzz to get upset,,so don`t worry !! lol :laugh: :laugh:

Cool cool mate as it would be good to meet up with yourself and a few other guys on here one day , hopefully when I get some shooting ground and can offer somewhere different for yous to go,

Cheers man

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