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first hunt with my daughter ty of 2012 loving it

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Nice post Shay.


It's always nice to hear and see family members shooting together.


It seems Brendon and TY have the best teacher they could have and I'm sure with your coaching they will be first class shots.


Bring them to the meet in June pal and with Shannon, Owen Vinning, and any other under 16 year old we could have a good junior comp.



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hi ya si

i think they both want to come to buddy so i dont think i would have a say in this matter buddy and thank you for the compliments to si

it would be nice to get the kids together as well and get them learning little bits and bobs to should be good pal


and phil thank you too matey i do try lol i enjoy my sport/hobby and job but i get the most out of it when i see progress like ty she never really shot even though she has been around me shooting all her life she then asked to pick a unloaded gun up and thats when i noticed she shouldered it perfect so i took her out to try a few targets and well she took to it like a duck to water


and you cant beat that even now i am coaching people i still enjoy when people say well i didnt know that i love giving something back to our love'd sport and coaching is just one of the ways i can


thank you again si and phil




i asked ty about the ugg boots she said no not this time she want walking boots they are more quiet lol she said Mr mole lol

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