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Due to the success of the irish digging championship held at the mourne show may 2011 we would like to invite applications to any show that will be held after the 20th may 2012 and before the 11 august that wishes to hold a qualifier.All successful teams will then compete at Birr castle county offaly on the 25th 26th august in the grand final to become all ireland digging champions

the prize fund for the competition will be posted at a later date for applications pm me or email mourneshow@gmail.com thank you

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with the interest last year this should be a great competition :yahoo: well done




It was a great idea by Tango last year and I was delighted to help sponsor it. It was a fun event and really did grab the interest. We had several approaches to put a similar competition on at our fairs I tend not to copy other events and generally we like to come up with our own novel competitions. I felt that since Tango had come up with the idea we would support him with it at his own event.


Tango is very outward looking and felt the competition could forward on a truly all Ireland basis. He suggested to me that the final could be staged at Birr and I was very happy to agree.


I should make it clear that we are not trying to steal anyone's 'thunder' with this. The competition and title to it will remain with Tango who will be the organiser of the final. We are merely facilitating him with the venue and possibly some prizes.



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Thanks for the comments everyone,i want the mourne show to best the best it can be.i also want the digging competition to be the same and i think for it to be a true all ireland it needs to be at a bigger venue and held at the end of the show season,as albert sponsered it last year and birr is the last gamefair i asked him for a spot so to speak and he agreed thats about all there was to it.the mourne will be the first qualifier of the year followed by the shows selected which will hopefully be spread round the country to give everyone a chance to enter.good hunting for the rest of your season tango

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4 F##k sake yet another all Ireland title for say 5 or 6 teams And for the winning team claim to be the best diggers in Ireland Fu##king Joke. Go ahead Albert take something that is abit of Craick put a prestiage title on and f##k it up.

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4 F##k sake yet another all Ireland title for say 5 or 6 teams And for the winning team claim to be the best diggers in Ireland Fu##king Joke. Go ahead Albert take something that is abit of Craick put a prestiage title on and f##k it up.


And a happy New Year to you Pigsy.


When Tango came up with what I thought was a great idea last year we were more than happy to support it AT HIS SHOW. We are always happy to offer support to good ideas that help promote our sports and give pleasure to both competitors and audience both at our own events and at other events. Over 30 years few if anyone who has approached us for sponsorship has been turned away without getting at least some prizes.


This year Tango felt that he wanted to widen the event beyond his own show and give MORE PEOPLE throughout Ireland the chance to compete and suggested to me that the logical place to have the final was at the Birr Castle Fair on the 25th &26th August where there will be the largest gathering of country sports people in the ROI if not the whole of Ireland. As I have said before the competition was Tango's idea; the qualifiers are also his idea as was the location of the final. This is HIS competition not ours or mine. So apart from facilitating the final at the fair in Birr Castle and part sponsoring the heat at Mourne I have little or no involvement.


As far as I am aware people who think they are 'the best diggers in Ireland' have the opportunity to qualify at a number of events.


I look forward to seeing you compete at one of these venues!



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i called it the all ireland the first year mate to try and stop aload of shows copying it and making it run of the mill,running it this way lets other shows in on the action plus it lets people from all over enter it,i dont see why it wont work well but nothing ventured then nothing gained.good hunting

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4 F##k sake yet another all Ireland title for say 5 or 6 teams And for the winning team claim to be the best diggers in Ireland Fu##king Joke. Go ahead Albert take something that is abit of Craick put a prestiage title on and f##k it up.

from the pics i saw of the last one then one or two lads there dug the only hole they did all season lol ,but i think its a good idea and i heard twas a good well run show an i hope its as popular as it was last year
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  • 2 weeks later...

4 F##k sake yet another all Ireland title for say 5 or 6 teams And for the winning team claim to be the best diggers in Ireland Fu##king Joke. Go ahead Albert take something that is abit of Craick put a prestiage title on and f##k it up.

from the pics i saw of the last one then one or two lads there dug the only hole they did all season lol ,but i think its a good idea and i heard twas a good well run show an i hope its as popular as it was last year

thanks top hat,i will do my best for it to run well,hope to get the entries to make it interesting
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