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Which air rifle... Stingray vs Valuemax

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My friend and I are taking up shooting, I got a BSA Lightning and my friend is looking at a Webley AGS Valuemax .22 or a Webley Stingray 2 .22


Have looked at the reviews, but cant decide between them.


Plan to use it for target practice and then rabbiting, out of these two which one would you suggest for a beginner?


Thanks in advance for your suggestions/opinions


Claire and Charlie.

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You want a Stingray? How about a Stingray at half price with a better safety switch? May I give you the Hatsan 55S (.177) and 60S (.22). They are the same damned gun only with a better safety catch. Same stock, same action, only better safety, same advanced metallurgical spring, same Quattro trigger, both made in the same factory! Lovely walnut stocks, lovely rifle, under half the cost of a Stingray though!


I know idiot here had a 60S and then wanted a Stingray in ,177, on closer examination found to be same gun, idiot was most dischuffed!

Edited by secretagentmole
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I have the Webley Value Max in 5mm. It is actually a Hatsan Striker without the SAS or Quattro trigger! I am quite satisfied with the Webley as is. Pushes a 12 gr pellet at 800 fps, accuracy is very good, but can be improved with better trigger setup[tune] :thumbs:

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Brought a Webley ValueMax :thumbs: havent had much chance to see what its like, have given it a few shots, badly needs to be zeroed, just cant get a windless day or a covered area big enough to do it!!! oh well patience... :huh:... thanks for the comments and for the help muchly appriciated,


Charlie (and Claire)

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