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ideal first car

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  On 01/01/2012 at 21:03, thomps125 said:

if your goig ford then go 1.8 d you there cheep insurance


if not then you could get a batterd tranist, the thing with insurance is weather you live at home i see it this way if you worrk you can spare 200 a month so unless you parents are tight c**ts you can afford any car


So if he lives at home he can spare 2k for insurance hahahaha,, make me laugh,, insurance is a joke just now,


TBH if yeh hunt aboot yeh`ll find it cheaper,, my youngest insured a saxo for 600 quid,, first car,, and that was recently

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Think twice about lying to an insurance company,, they live to rob you and will refuse to pay out at all if they smell ANYTHING fishy,, like saying you have a garage,, when you don`t

im 17 and I've got a defender 90, i pay £1100 a year and i think that is cheaper than anyone else i know who are insured on hatchbacks.

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well i only live with my mum my dad is a complete w**k so she has me and my twin so she cant really afford bo pay out a big amount towards both our canr and i only get 120 a month from collage and what ever i earn on top of that by beating

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  On 01/01/2012 at 21:12, thomps125 said:

when i was 17 i was paying less then 900 a year, ive had rs turbos iv had peugeot disels escorts orions the lot mitsi pajeros and landrover discos


Different areas have different insurance costs. The area the lads are from is not too bad, but insurance will still keep them off the road. TBH,, if you aren`t working full time,, insuring a motor at 17 is a bit unlikely

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  On 01/01/2012 at 21:15, Rake aboot said:
  On 01/01/2012 at 21:12, thomps125 said:

when i was 17 i was paying less then 900 a year, ive had rs turbos iv had peugeot disels escorts orions the lot mitsi pajeros and landrover discos


Different areas have different insurance costs. The area the lads are from is not too bad, but insurance will still keep them off the road. TBH,, if you aren`t working full time,, insuring a motor at 17 is a bit unlikely


yeh that can be, beign at college your better off with a motorbike mate, your looking at 200 a year for insurance then

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lieing is the way forward i used to pay 175 per month legit evrything was true some one crashed into me i broke my sternerm nearly died and never got a penny and lost a 3.5k car............ from now on lies it will be

Edited by thomps125
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