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ideal first car

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well as im 17 in a matter of months i was woundering what would be a decent first car,van or 4x4 it neest to be cheap to run and insure but also be decent enough for going around town and stuff so any sugestions ? thanks kx

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Think twice about lying to an insurance company,, they live to rob you and will refuse to pay out at all if they smell ANYTHING fishy,, like saying you have a garage,, when you don`t

im 17 and I've got a defender 90, i pay £1100 a year and i think that is cheaper than anyone else i know who are insured on hatchbacks.

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im not so far off and i havemy heart set on a defender, allways have sice about 6 its something like insurance group 3, so is not going to be horrendously expensive to insure. be a good one for taking the dogs everywhere and all the hunting jobs needed, relativley smart aswell

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its the fule yhats the killer and they are dear to buy its 2grand for me to insure a 2 .0 subaru sport 5 door haha and 4 grand for a wee car like citron saxo not that i want one of them was just curious of the insurence as they are boy racer cars

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myfirst car was a230bhp fiesta rs turbo van... i only wish it ran on red diesel haha. go for a pajero or a a izuzu, from a 1,6 pterol you wont find much difrence , but all else fails run a derv on cooking oild or cherry.... and before any negative comments i dotn care what you have to say even if your vosa

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Lad I work with and also go to college with got a defender 90 double cab pickup. Drinks fuel like fk and cost him 3.5 grand to insure for the first year, cracking offroad truck tho although a load of keepering students going round town gets some funny looks its great for cruising aswell haha

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haha yeah want somthing i can go on p*ssy patrol with haha but need a decent boot for dogs and what ever also a decent size so if lampingkid starts to anoy me on a journey i can tie him up and chuck him in the boot haha pmsl

Edited by kx100
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if your goig ford then go 1.8 d you there cheep insurance


if not then you could get a batterd tranist, the thing with insurance is weather you live at home i see it this way if you worrk you can spare 200 a month so unless you parents are tight c**ts you can afford any car

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