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Forget all your modern costly wonder powders and potions, try warm salt water, plenty of air (covered if a larger wound) and let nature do its stuff.


Anybody who has kept dogs will know, a wound that is helped to heal may heal on the surfice to quickly, leaving the wound raw and possible containing something nasty under the scab. This can result in an infection to accure under the scab leading to a swelling that remains for a long time. This is of course detrimental to a speedy healing taking place. A wound needs to heal from the inside out. Many a time i have removed scabs on my dogs wounds and re-opened the wound, sounds barbaric but believe me it heals the wound far more cleanly and leaves a hell of a lot less scare tissue. And all of us that have boxed will tell you, scare tissue is more rigid than healthy skin and is more likely to tear under pressure, so the less scare tissue your dog has the better it will be.

Edited by mole catcher
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Multicare cut-heal heals from the inside-out,but even when the wound looks

healed the tissue will not be at full strength,so a bit more time should be allowed

to let the skin knit together properly.

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Multicare cut-heal heals from the inside-out,but even when the wound looks

healed the tissue will not be at full strength,so a bit more time should be allowed

to let the skin knit together properly.



Sounds like the best of both worlds there ;)

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Multicare cut-heal heals from the inside-out,but even when the wound looks

healed the tissue will not be at full strength,so a bit more time should be allowed

to let the skin knit together properly.



Sounds like the best of both worlds there ;)


it is exellent stuff

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Best wound treatment I've ever come across, bar none, is the attention of a Dogs tounge. On Dogs or myself.


I've had Dogs torn to pieces. Their companions sort them out. Ripped myself to bits. My Dogs have sorted me out. Nearly took my finger off the other week. Everyone who saw it went ballistic and urged me to rush off and have it stitched. F*ck all that. I have my Dogs here. Hardly see where the hatchet struck now.


And scar tissue formed by a Dogs ministrations is stronger than normal skin. I have such scars.

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