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squirrel hunt balls up!

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Best laid plans can so easily be thwarted by the weather!


With great expectations Chris (Bruno22rf) and I headed up to my local spinney, by the manor as the owner had said that the squirrels there were being a "damned nuisance" and she wanted them "seeing orf".


Well, Chris got his pass from his SWMBO and we found ourselves cammo'd up with nice pcp's and ammo and a kind of plan.

We were going to stalk/ambush squirrels til an hour before dusk then switch to ambushing woodies as they came into roost.


Sadly, squirrels seemed few an far between and the weather was changing for the worse. Winds were picking up to near gale force when gusting and hard to bear when just prevailing. I was concerned that the woodies would roost in more sheltered areas down in the valley.

Still, as we were already there we decided to give it a go and found hidey holes to sit in and wait for either woodies to land near to, or who knows, maybe the odd squirrel?

I found a triple-trunked ash tree to sit in the lee of, surrounded by low level scrub with clear aerial views of the treetops for a good arc of fire and I could hear Chris making his own arrangements in bushes some 30 or 40 yards away. Sounded like a dog turning round and round (as they do to flatten the grass before settling down for a kip).

As I was settling down, a pheasant erupted from a nearby bush and high tailed it out of there. Shit! ... if only I'd known!!!


Then, a few seconds later, a squirrel climbed a sapling no more than 2 yards away! For the life of me, i couldn't remember the holdover at that short range and missed the tasty lil fecker!

He scarpered towards Chris direction and climbed the big tree he was 'covering'. I waited for the muffled report of his shot. None came!

At this point I feel it only right to point out that Chris' posh Logun sounds like soft flatulence when he fires it :laugh:


After a fair while, and no more squirrels seen, the only pigeons battling by kept on going toward more sheltered land so we decided to have one last mooch around.

From a garden gate we spotted a squirrel helping itself from Mrs K's bird table. The shot was stable thanks to the solid gate, but directly behind the shot by a few yards stood her new Audi! Shot definitley not 'on'.

After a few mins of watching and waiting for the varmint to move to a safe kill zone, Mrs K chased it from the front door down her drive!


Just one of those days guess! Worst of it was that a really cocky fat magpie wandering around the base of the bird table and would have been a straight forward shot, but my gut said Mrs K was watching from her kitchen window so I held fire - turns out my gut was right! Damned frustrating.

Since then I've texted her to clear corvids lol!


Hopefully tomorrow tilt at the woodies will prove to be more effective :yes:

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