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Guest Lurcherbitch

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Guest Lurcherbitch

As most of you know i am in contact with hundreds of people as i run rescue plus know people from working world............was chatting to OEH this morning about stuff and nonsense......but whilst we cackled on we noticed that what we had in commen was................................mates n dogs acting strange :blink: . Now I have taken god knows how many calls about dogs acting strange for no reason :blink: .....so thought i might put it up here.

Come on do tell........................

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As most of you know i am in contact with hundreds of people as i run rescue plus know people from working world............was chatting to OEH this morning about stuff and nonsense......but whilst we cackled on we noticed that what we had in commen was................................mates n dogs acting strange :blink: . Now I have taken god knows how many calls about dogs acting strange for no reason :blink: .....so thought i might put it up here.

Come on do tell........................


My dog does odd things anyway regardless of the time of the month, she lies on piles of washing & sucks the stuff when its been soted into piles by the washer, she hates carrier bags & the ironing board :laugh:


She runs upstairs if you call her name :o she carrys home flattened cans & plastic bottles home from a walk& bits of wood.


She growls when she wants a fuss :icon_eek: basically she is puddled :laugh::laugh:

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Apart from savaging Spaniels at shows ............. :whistle:


My dog also absolutely hates the ironing board, runs away when it comes out.


Attacks our petrol lawnmower, and I mean attacks, bites the wheels and tries to drag it away ......... :icon_eek:



Attacks the Dyson the same, bloody nuisance!


Sings when my birds daughter practises the Clarinet :laugh: Proper head back, full on howling.


Barks like mad when I have my Blood and Thunder flute band music on B)


And as for hedgehogs ............ :blink:



He plays with them for ages if we don't see him, then same as Ricky's, makes a right mess of them! :angry:




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Guest Lurcherbitch
my terriers have taken to attacking hedhehogs, they have never ever done this before yet on the past two nights they have managed to sniff two out and tear them to shreds :cry:



Interesting.....................is it just tis month??

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What I was saying to LB was that Josie who has been so much better tempered recently, yesterday seems to have turned all horrible and moody and still is. Esme (Josie's best friend) the whippet went to lie down beside her and got snapped and snarled at. A child patted Nana and Josie tried to bite Nana. She snarled at everyone who came near here brekkie. Also she's been following me around like a shadow, grunting and crying.

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i'm glad my dogs are not the only ones fecked in the head my j/r bitch will not walk over metal drain covers my other j/r thinks he is superman when you pull the air riffle out he sits in front of you waging his tail as if to say go on i can catch it and my bullx will hide when she hears the hoover sometimes i think i'm running a nuthouse

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mine are acting strange to me pup keeps trying to fight with doors :blink:

and me terrier x keeps jumping up in mid air for no reason

being a spiritual medium i thougth it was i spirit but no i think me dogs are going mad

but dogs can sense alsorts a round them not just the liveing

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Guest Lurcherbitch
mine are acting strange to me pup keeps trying to fight with doors :blink:

and me terrier x keeps jumping up in mid air for no reason

being a spiritual medium i thougth it was i spirit but no i think me dogs are going mad

but dogs can sense alsorts a round them not just the liveing



Honestly.....i know i am known for taking the piss........but Things are a bit skeee wifff..... :icon_eek: .

Even my old girl sheya is being funny :blink: .

Another friend just phoned and said her dogs are trying with all there might to get to the rabbit she has in her garden..............it has been there a year n half, they have never botherd :blink:

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