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How many of you vaccinate against Leptospirosis I've heard dogs can have fatal reactions to this vaccination.. I'm bringing on my first terrier for ratting, I've always ran lurchers before now and not sure if it's worth being done.. Cheers!

i thought lepto was covered in the 7 in 1 jabs that all pups should have had before going into the big bad world :hmm:
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No vacination is guaranteed to work, you can only suspect that they work when your animal doesn't catch what you vaccinated against, but you can tip the scales in your favour by vaccinating against whatever it is you dont want it to catch. Do it, if it helps a bit its a good thing.





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How many of you vaccinate against Leptospirosis I've heard dogs can have fatal reactions to this vaccination.. I'm bringing on my first terrier for ratting, I've always ran lurchers before now and not sure if it's worth being done.. Cheers!

i thought lepto was covered in the 7 in 1 jabs that all pups should have had before going into the big bad world :hmm:

Its covered in it's annual jabs but the lepto jab alone gives the dog a greater immune chance of the disease but can have fatal reactions! Just after peoples views and to see if anyone has had there's vaccinated for it, cheers

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I vaccinate mine with a 7 in 1 that has 4 lepto strains included in the liquid that you use to re hydrate the powder with ( as oppsed to most that use distilled water to re hydrate the powder).


As I said earlier, you'll never know just how effective a vaccine is, just as long as you dont get it thats the main thing.



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